Nigerian airlines threaten to suspend flights

Nigerian airlines threaten to suspend flights

An organization representing domestic companies justified this announcement by pointing to the increase in kerosene prices which have soared in recent months, in particular due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This threat could be applied from this Monday, May 9.

With our correspondent in Lagos, Liza Fabbian

In Nigeria, a vast country plagued by insecurity, the plane remains the safest and most efficient way to travel between major cities. But with the fourfold increase in the price of kerosene in recent months, local airlines have seen their operating costs increase by 95%.

They therefore have no choice but to stop stealing. until further notice “, unless they explode their prices. But in an already very difficult economic context for the population, such a decision would be counterproductive, according to the association of air operators.

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The announcement from the Nigerian Air Operators Association provoked a lot of reactions throughout the weekend. The Minister of Aviation warned in particular against ” the multiplier effect of the halt in operations on Nigerians and travelers around the world “.

In February, domestic companies were heavily criticized after agreeing to set the minimum price of a plane ticket at 50,000 naira, or more than 100 euros.
