The pepineros, most needed in Cartagonova

The pepineros most needed in Cartagonova

The Carthagonova hosts a duel between two teams that face the commitment of one different way. While the locals they do it with the first objective of the Salvation Fulfilled, but without options to enter the playoffs, the visitors come to the appointment with the need to add a point to seal permanence and not continue prolonging it over time. Thus, the intensity that they show each other can be decisive to take the victory, something that both Luis Carrión’s pupils and Mehdi Nafti’s (follow the match live on

For Carrion, the FC Cartagenaa “prestige” is played in these last four games, which may also be the last of the technician on the albinegro bench. Nothing is known about his continuity or notlike that of other important men such as Castro, DeBlasis (who made it half clear that he wants to leave in the summer for Argentina) and Mark Martinez, among others. That worries more in the environment than the clashes that remain, in which it is intended stay in the noble zone so as not to ‘dirty’ the team’s good year.

During the visit of CD Leganés, the locals want to continue with their good dynamics at home and therefore no revolution is expected in Carrión’s eleven. The Catalan assured that he will bet on those who are betterwith perhaps the only novelty being the presence of Gallar as starter. The rest aims to be the same bloc as in the last commitments, with Datkovic on the left side to the detriment of Silva, in addition to Luna and De la Bella.

The CD Leganes It is not yet officially a team of nothing. Nothing to play for above. Nothing to play below. The triumph of Royal B yesterday before him Fuenlabrada (1-2) prevented the Blue and Whites (in pink this afternoon) from going out to Cartagonova savedIt’s mathematically. They are missing a point. So those of Mehdi Nafti, they had chained several days swarming through the limbo inhabited by those who they have no motivations especially satiating, they will still have to struggle to obtain permanence.

If you get it today, it will be a good goal accomplished, What will Nafti think? Hired in November to save the pepineros (his debut was precisely against FC Cartagena) he is on his way to get to spare the then entelechy of rescue a team what was it third from the tail and he was four points from the safe zone. The journey of the technician is of remarkable height in the objective of rescuing the pepineros. It happens, however, that his stage in Leganés is on its way to stay bittersweet journey because of not knowing how to get hooked on the top of the table when he had the chance. The lack of blue and white competitiveness against the greats is the great sin of the Nafti era. “A pity”, as he himself defined in the press room, a space in which he was also grateful that some journalist reminded him of the merit of his saving deed. The problem is that, for the Leganes budget, dry permanence is not a reason for any celebration. At best, redemptive relief.

To certify this continuity in the category in a 100% mathematical way, Nafti will not be able to count on Reciosanctioned, and with Gaku, injured. In addition, Giraudon, Bustinza, and Iván Villar have been left out without the coach mentioning them among the team’s hits. at least come back Eraso to a medullary one that is, again, the line most touched by the absences. With Recio and Gaku out of action, it remains to be seen if the coach will bet on a double pivot simple (Cissé and Pardo) or if it integrates a third member in the medullary to maintain the drawing. In such a case, Perea and Eraso will compete for the position. Leganés still does not know what it means to score at the home of FC Cartagena, rival prologue to a final course of aúpa: SD Eibar, SD Ponferradina and UD Almería.


by blasis. He is the great reference of the offensive game and team leader along with Rubén Castro. To the elaboration of it must be added the incorporation of it to the auction.

Cisse. The Guinean and his two goals against Huesca made him recover the blue and white hope label. The absence of Gaku and Recio will give him more stripes.


Intensity. With nothing at stake, it will be necessary to see if the team maintains the level shown during much of the course at home. If you do, you will have a lot of cattle.

Motivation. Leganés showed against Huesca that, harassed in their pride, tight in motivation, they can be a competitive and high-flying team.


FC Cartagena. Carrión has everyone available.

CD Leganes. Eraso returns. Giraudon, Iván Villar, Recio, Gaku and Bustinza fall.
