Madrid saves football

Madrid saves football

I deeply regret the denial of the Athletic to make the corridor to the champion of League tonight in the Wanda Metropolitan. Not only because traditions are a fundamental element in the maintenance of society, but also because these soccer lovers who are the colchoneros (I don’t doubt it for a moment) should thank the Madrid the favor you are doing football. What they were not able to do in the quarterfinals of the Champions in front of City from Pep Guardiola, and more specifically in the last minutes of the return home, the meringues have done so brilliantly. It may seem like an exaggeration to people who usually underestimate the exploits of others, but I affirm it with my modest bluntness: on Wednesday night, Madrid saved football.

In this modern age where statistics and cold calculations have invaded our favorite sport, where clubs no longer belong to their members but to international companies state (What madness!), where coaches like Guardiola design a game as if it were the engine of a car or the reactor of a nuclear power plant, Carlo Ancelotti and Madrid have remembered that the heart and the emotion are the only thing that really counts so that football remains attractive. And that the richest and strongest do not always win. A life lesson.
