Notable ‘Russia’ statement from the Prime Minister of the country! “Equivalent to an atomic bomb”

Notable Russia statement from the Prime Minister of the country

Sanctions against Russia due to Russia’s attacks on Ukraine remain on the world agenda. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, in his speech on the state radio, made statements regarding the European Union’s new sanctions proposal, which prohibits the purchase of oil from Russia.

“Equivalent to ATOM BOMB”

Prime Minister Orban said that while his government is willing to negotiate on any EU proposal that is in Hungary’s interest, the country’s geography and existing energy infrastructure make it impossible to ban Russian oil. “We cannot accept an offer that ignores this situation,” said Orban, adding, “Because the oil embargo, in its current form, will be equivalent to the atomic bomb dropped on the Hungarian economy.” Orban stressed that converting Hungary’s oil refineries and pipelines to be able to process oil from different sources will take 5 years and require large investments.


The Hungarian government strongly opposes EU plans to include Russia’s energy exports in its sanctions against Moscow, saying that 85 percent of the country’s gas and more than 60 percent of its oil comes from Russia. (UAV)
