Your profession can have an impact on your skin

Your profession can have an impact on your skin

  • News
  • Posted on 04/26/2022 at 11:51 a.m.,

    Reading 2 mins.

    Professional activity can degrade the health of your skin. But according to a study conducted by a British cosmetics brand, not all sectors of activity have the same effect. Professionals in sports and recreation are well off, unlike those in the pharmaceutical and construction industries.

    Did you know ? Your job can have an impact on the health of your skin. The company Beauty Pie measured the effects of professional life on the epidermis and published a ranking on its website.

    3000 people in 15 sectors surveyed

    To do this, the specialists interviewed 3,000 people working in 15 different industries and determined the 18 factors of “skin stress” the most frequent, likely to affect the skin. We find for example “working in front of a computer screen, wearing a mask, high stress levels and exposure to extreme temperatures”lists the study.

    The answers made it possible to create a “skin stress score” by profession, scored out of 100. The higher the score, the more harmful effects the work can have on the skin.

    For beautiful skin, work in sports and hobbies

    Sports and leisure professionals are the ones with the fewest “skin stress”. They total a score of 34 out of 100. “The study shows that people working in this sector rarely work late, do not feel stressed or rarely eat unhealthy food at work”Explain Beauty Pie. The education sector follows with a score of 38, then law with 41.

    Health professionals, meanwhile, have a score of 42 out of 100. Specialists list three factors directly impacting the skin of nurses and doctors: long days, fatigue at work and often missed lunch breaks.

    The pharmacy industry in last place

    On the other side of the classification, we find jobs in science, pharmaceuticals, or in the construction and energy industry.

    Construction professionals, penultimate with a rating of 70, “are likely to experience itching and irritation due to exposure to extreme weather conditions”, say the specialists. Moreover, “Wearing masks can also lead to breakouts and acne”.

    The pharmaceutical industry comes in last place with a score of 74. Experts explain that employees in this category end their day late and frequently work nights, “which can lead to sleep deprivation which can worsen dark circles under the eyes and make the area puffy and swollen”.

    Their place of work is also singled out. Either professionals work in air-conditioned places, which can dry out or irritate the skin, or they are outdoors and subjected to extreme temperatures in winter and summer, leading to premature aging of the skin.
