“There are many ways we can express the importance of Finland’s security”

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According to the NATO Secretary General, Finland’s NATO membership would strengthen the Defense Alliance and transatlantic security. According to Stoltenberg, Finland’s membership process would be fast and efficient.

Finland’s application for NATO membership, which is expected in the coming weeks, will also be discussed at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

The decision to join is entirely in Finland’s hands, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg emphasizes in an interview. When applying, Finland would receive a warm welcome.

– The message from 30 allies is that Finland is warmly welcomed and welcomed with open arms. We will ensure that the process is fast and efficient.

If Finland decides to apply for membership from NATO, security-related support is promised. According to Stoltenberg, Finland could be supported by, among other things, political declarations, statements or by leasing NATO’s presence and exercises in Finland’s vicinity.

– There are many ways in which we can express that Finland’s security is important to NATO’s allies.

According to Stoltenberg, Finland’s membership would strengthen NATO. Secretary General Stoltenberg emphasizes Finland’s modern and well-equipped defense forces, investments in new fighters and democratic structures.

– All this would affect Finland’s promotion of transatlantic security.
