Diam’s: what we know about his documentary “Salam”

Diams what we know about his documentary Salam

DIAMS. The former French rap star Diam’s will present his documentary at the Cannes Film Festival, signing his return after ten years of absence.

It had (almost) completely disappeared from the radar for nearly ten years: Diam’s. In a message posted on Instagram, the unforgettable French rapper announces that she will soon reveal “[s]a truth” in a documentary, which will be presented at the Cannes Film Festival, in preview.

“For years, people knocked on my door asking me for permission to put my life on stage, to play it, to interpret it. Many requests for documentaries, biopics, series have not ceased to flow . I had the feeling that I was being asked to give the keys to my life so that others could make a film of it. A show”, writes the interpreter of The Dumpling on Instagram.

The project that she finally agreed to carry out is therefore called Hello. It was written and directed by three women, Diam’s herself and directors Houda Benyamina (who received three Césars for her film divine) and Anne Cissé. The documentary will retrace the life and career of Mélanie Georgiades, the artist’s real name, who announced her retirement from the stage in 2012.

Hello offered me the means to tell, with my vision, my emotion and my words what I call: my truth. There is certainly the story of Diam’s behind the woman I am today, but it is also a human story, and a quest that can echo the story of so many people”, also writes the rapper in The same Instagram post The news of the release of this documentary was first shared by the BrutX platform on April 29. For the time being, no release date has been announced.
