Energy crisis: solutions to limit its impact

Energy crisis what efforts could still pay off

A freeze on gas and electricity prices, a “fuel discount” or even, perhaps, by this summer, a targeted device for “big wheels”. To help us deal with the energy crisis, the government has come up with a kind of tariff shield. But the future remains uncertain. And these nudges could turn out to be insufficient. So what to do?

Some ask the question. On the platform of EDF Pulse & You co-creation, particularly. Since the beginning of April, a campaign has allowed everyone to share their thoughts, but above all, their solutions. Solutions to limit the impact of the energy crisis on our gas bills or electricity or at the pump. And the contributions are many. There are now fairly classic ideas. All these small daily savings which, added together, can have an effect. Turn off the lights when leaving a room, turn off appliances on standby, favor “eco” programs, control your heating – and soon, your air conditioning –, favor soft mobility when possible or limit your speed to 110 km /h on the highway.

You too, share your proposals to avoid the energy crisis and win the endowments put into play : a netatmo thermostat, a hydrao shower set to save water, a kindle reader to save paper. To do this, nothing could be simpler, answer the questions on the co-ideation platform. Here are a few :

Some more original ideas also appear in the debate. Ideas that group reflection can bring out. Prefer a ceiling fan to an air conditioning system, save hot water – technological solutions can help you do this – or even avoid using the dryer, especially with the arrival of fine weather.

Investments for tomorrow

But will all of this be enough to deal with the scale of this energy crisis? Maybe not. Some are considering more radical solutions. Investments intended to solve the problem of energy savings and purchasing power over the longer term. This is the case of those who choose to equip their home with intelligent control systems, high-performance thermostats that can be controlled remotely, for example. Or, of those who replace their old gas boiler with a more efficient heat pump. Or even those who opt for insulation work. Or, even more effectively, of those who are embarking on a process of comprehensive renovation of their habitat. An integrated approach based on an energy balance. An approach built around coordinated work.

To assist us in this type of process, energy suppliers are also getting involved. The IZI by EDF service, for example, offers turnkey solutions to make our homes more sustainable by relying on a network of craftsmen selected for their skills in this area. Installation of a heat pump, replacement of joinery, installation of high performance radiators, insulation work. The assurance of being accompanied by professionals throughout our energy renovation.

But, as noted by some contributors on the co-ideation platform EDF Pulse & You, the most important thing may well be to know how to stay positive. To keep our good mood, even in our way of making recommendations. To continue to believe in our ability to adapt. And to always and again imagine together this world of tomorrow which will be more sustainable and more responsible!

Subject produced in partnership with EDF teams

What you must remember

  • A new co-ideation campaign is online on the EDF Pulse & You platform.
  • She invites you to share your solutions to deal with the energy crisis.
  • Don’t wait, you only have until May 18 to participate!
  • As a result, for the most active Pulsers, gifts precisely intended to help you limit your consumption.

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