Alzheimer’s disease: does the mobile phone increase the risk?

Alzheimers disease does the mobile phone increase the risk

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  • Posted 1 day ago,

    Reading 2 mins.

    Alzheimer’s disease is progressing rapidly around the world: 49 million people affected in 2015, 75 million expected for 2030. Today, a study is causing trouble by linking smartphones and other Wifi networks with the risk of developing the disease early. sickness.

    That’s the question asked by Martin L. Pall, professor of biochemistry and medicine at Washington State University. The results of his study were published on March 11 in the journal Current Alzheimer Research.

    The increase in intracellular calcium in question

    One of the factors characterizing Alzheimer’s disease is the accumulation of calcium in the cells. According to the results of this study, conducted on rats, exposure to electromagnetic fields generates an increase in calcium levels in neuronal cells. The mechanism involved is an activation of pumps present in the cell walls of neurons, called voltage-gated calcium channels. They would be activated by magnetic fields and cause excess calcium to enter neuronal cells.

    Increase in beta-amyloid protein as a result

    The increase in calcium subsequently leads to an increase in amyloid precursors, called BACE1 and beta-amyloid peptide aggregates, two factors linked to Alzheimer’s disease. “Electromagnetic fields act through electrical spikes and time-varying magnetic forces on the nanosecond scalee,” says Martin Pall.”Each of these can produce the ultimate nightmare, extremely early onset Alzheimer’s disease.“.

    In arriving at these conclusions, the author also observed that “people exposed to these electromagnetic fields in the course of their work had a higher incidence of Alzheimer’s disease”.

    Further studies are still to be carried out

    Asked about the question, Dr. Christophe De Jaeger, physiologist and member of the expert committee of Doctissimo, recalls first of all that “Alzheimer’s disease remains mainly a dementia of the elderly and that cases are increasing due to the aging of the population”. He nevertheless underlines that “Although the physiology of rats and humans is different, this study highlights a track that should be explored further to know whether or not electromagnetic fields can have such an impact on health. cognition in humans.

    Martin L. Pall concludes his work by stating: “the results of each of these studies should be shared with the general public so that everyone can take the necessary steps to reduce the incidence of early forms of Alzheimer’s disease.”.
