probable subject and course of the test

1651676517 probable subject and course of the test

LIFE AND EARTH SCIENCES EXAMINATION. On May 12 and 13, it’s time for the Life and Earth Sciences specialty test! The program is busy, but you’re in luck: Linternaute lightens your revisions by revealing to you which subjects will actually be evaluated on D-Day. Discover the tracks on the potential subjects and the course of the test.

Last straight line for revisions of the human body and contemporary issues of the planet! The Life and Earth Sciences (SVT) test for the 2022 baccalaureate is announced for Wednesday May 11 or Thursday May 12, during the short session of specialty tests. This flagship course is one of the twelve specialty subjects from which first and final high school students must choose since the reform of the Bac. It attracts many students since it is even in the top 5 of the most followed specialties according to the 2022 ranking of The captain.

To appeal to high school students adept at scientific methods, the field of fields that was usually studied when SVT was still a compulsory course in the common core has widened in this specialty. Beyond the development of scientific culture and the relationship with nature, this teaching aims at better education in terms of the environment, health and safety, to take up the objectives set by the Ministry of National Education. The busy program unfolds around three guiding themes: “The Earth, life and the evolution of living beings”; “Contemporary issues of the planet” and “The human body and health”, each being broken down into several themes. Since the topics covered are very diverse and the written specialty test is being organized for the first time since the entry into force of the baccalaureate reform, it is difficult to know what to expect for certain candidates. From the dates, to the probable subjects, through the course and the arrangements of the test, here is everything you need to know about the SVT specialty exam.

The SVT test was normally to take place like all the other specialty education exams in March, but the Ministry of National Education has decided to postpone the series of tests to May to prevent certain candidates from being penalized. by the consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic on the school system. It is therefore between May 11 and 13 that the tests are held. For that of Life and Earth Sciences which interests us, high school students will be called on Wednesday 11 or Thursday 12 May from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., according to the latest details from Studyrama.

Three main themes make up the SVT program in high school: they will all be assessed during the exam. On the other hand, the sub-categories of these themes are not all the subject of an evaluation: indeed, since there are 20 in all, the Ministry of National Education has already sorted . Automatically, 6 subjects may be slightly excluded from the candidates’ reviews. But allow us to advise you not to completely ignore them since the subjects of the tests can be transversal, certain knowledge could help you in front of their copy. Discover the 14 sub-themes that can be the subject of the SVT test:

Theme 1: “The Earth, life and the organization of living organisms”

Genetics and Evolution

  • The origin of the genotype of individuals
  • The complexification of genomes: horizontal transfers and endosymbioses

In search of the geological past of our planet

Theme: “Contemporary planetary issues”

From wild plant to domesticated plant

  • The functional organization of flowering plants
  • The plant, producer of organic matter
  • Reproduction of the plant between fixed life and mobility

The Earth’s climates: understanding the past to act today and tomorrow

  • Reconstruct and understand past climate variations

Theme 3: “Human body and health”

Behaviors, movement and nervous system

  • reflexes
  • Brain and voluntary movement
  • The brain, a fragile organ to preserve

Producing movement: muscle contraction and energy input

  • The muscle cell: a specialized structure allowing its own shortening
  • Origin of ATP necessary for muscle cell contraction
  • Controlling the flow of glucose, an essential source of energy for muscle cells

Behaviors and stress: towards an integrated vision of the organism

  • The body’s adaptability

The SVT test will take place in two parts: first, the written one, marked on 15 points, and composed of two exercises 1 to choose from and a single exercise 2. Here, you will therefore have the choice for the exercise 1, but must on the other hand all deal with exercise 2. Then will come the practical test of evaluation of experimental skills, marked on 5 points. For this one, since the teachers choose the subjects according to the skills worked on during the year, no change is planned this year.

A priori, the results of the specialty test in Life and Earth Sciences will be available on July 5, at the same time as the results of the other tests (French, philosophy and major oral). The fact that specialty courses are evaluated one month earlier does not affect the publication of the results.
