Pollen allergy: the return of grasses

Pollen allergy the return of grasses

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  • Posted 22 hours ago,

    Reading 2 mins.

    With the arrival of fine weather, grass pollens are also back. According to the RNSA, the concentrations could be increasingly strong, and consequently increase the risk of allergy, if the meteorological conditions remain favourable.

    Grass alert!

    At the beginning of May, the concentrations of grass pollen are increasing throughout the territory and will be increasingly strong, according to the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA). Grass pollen thus takes advantage of the good weather to disperse. However, the risk of allergy is medium for these pollens but could quickly increase to a high level in the coming days if conditions remain favourable.

    Already at the end of April, the birches were coming to the end of their flowering and giving way to oak and grass pollen. According to the RNSA, the risk of allergy nevertheless remains high for birch pollen in the northeast of France. The cocktail of three pollens (birch, oak and grasses) therefore gives a high overall risk of allergy throughout the territory.

    Grass pollen: what is it?

    Grasses are herbaceous flowering plants. They include cereals, reeds, bamboos, natural meadow grasses and cultivated lawns (turf).

    Grasses produce large amounts of pollen. During flowering, pollination of grasses results in huge clouds of dust. They are transmitted by the wind and spread more often in spring and summer.

    According to ALK, a Danish Research and Development laboratory specializing in allergen immunotherapy (or desensitization) treatments, grass pollens are the allergens most responsible for “pollinosis” (allergic rhinitis due to pollen) in patients.

    On its site, ALK lists the things to do and not to do when you are allergic to grass pollen, in addition to taking antihistamine treatment.

    To do

    • Monitor the regularly published pollen calendars on the RNSA ;
    • Take a shower, and in particular wash your hair, and change your clothes after going out in nature in order to eliminate as much pollen as possible;
    • If the car has air conditioning, use recycled air or drive with the windows closed;
    • In the house, leave the windows closed when it is windy and the weather is dry, or even get an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter to eliminate pollen grains and irritating particles present in the air. ‘environment ;
    • Place anti-pollen filters on windows;
    • Wear a mask and sunglasses.

    Consult an allergist online

    Not to do

    • Walk in dry, sunny and windy weather in high-risk areas;
    • Dry clothes outside, go out with wet hair because pollen settles on damp areas.

    If you suffer from pollen allergies, consult your general practitioner or allergist.
