ARTS TEST. To your revisions! The first tests of the 2022 baccalaureate are those of the specialties. Some candidates are preparing to take the Arts exam between May 11 and May 13. Discover the course of the event according to the chosen artistic discipline.
Last straight line for the revisions of your art history courses and your favorite films! Baccalaureate Arts exam 2022 will take place on Wednesday May 11 between 2 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. It is part of the short session of specialty tests which takes place from May 11 to 13. This test corresponds to the choice of three specialties made by each pupil in first year, from among the twelve specialty subjects available. Then, the student eliminates one in Terminale, to pass only two written specialty tests at the end of the year. Since they represent 32% of the final grade (weighted 16 each), neglecting them is not a very good idea!
To appeal to high school students, the field of fields studied has been widened by offering the possibility of discovering a specific discipline of the Arts. From cinema-audiovisual to circus arts via theatre, the program is very broad. With seven artistic sub-disciplines to choose from, the high school student can choose according to his cultural sensitivities, knowing that each of them is evaluated with its own tests on the day of the Bac. The panel of tests is therefore very wide, but for you who have chosen one of these seven options, you just have to focus on the progress of yours! The written specialty test is organized for the first time since the entry into force of the reform of the baccalaureate, so it is difficult to know what to expect for certain candidates. From the dates, to the types of questions, through the course and the arrangements of the test, here is everything you need to know about the Arts specialty exam.
The Arts test was normally to take place like all the other specialty education exams in March, but the Ministry of National Education has decided to postpone the test to May to prevent some candidates from being penalized by the consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic on the school system. It is therefore between May 11 and 13 that the events are held, and that of Arts will be organized be organized on Wednesday, May 11 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
As you will have understood, the main thing for you is to anticipate the tests that will fall in your discipline of the Arts specialty. The choice is indeed possible in the new baccalaureate subject models. In addition, the adaptations made with the new reform ensure that all students are approached on prioritized program elements. As stated by the Ministry of National Education in a explanatory guide, there is no need to duplicate all the subjects or some of their components, except to take the risk of producing files of documents that are very complex to organize and too long to understand in the time allotted to the test. What are these seven disciplines to choose from in the Arts specialization?
- Arts/visual arts
- Arts/ Circus Arts
- Arts/dance
- Arts/cinema-audiovisual
- Arts/art history
- Arts/theatre
- Arts/music
The specialty test of the Arts test takes place in two parts, regardless of the discipline. The first is written, and the second oral. Their sequence is more or less complex depending on the discipline, the most difficult to grasp being the Plastic Arts, with many choices to be made and test stages to be respected. But don’t panic, we’ll explain everything to you, point by point.
Plastic Arts
The written test
Since the 2021 session, it is possible to make a choice among the visual arts subjects. This written test itself takes place in two parts. The first is treated in a common way by all the candidates. It relates to a “core” program published in a memorandum to BOEN (works, themes, baccalaureate reference questions), which results from a previous adaptation of the subjects to the health context. The candidate must here choose at least two works from a corpus of five maxima to deal with the subject. The second part of the test offers candidates the choice between a subject A: critical commentary on a document on art, and a subject B: note of intent for an exhibition project. This provision makes it possible to make right to the choices of the candidate between two different ways of reflection, two types of writings, in other fields of questioning of the programs than for the part.
The oral test
It is based on one or more plastic practices, approaches and productions selected by the candidate as part of the project he has carried out throughout the year. It was decided that the event could be held without any particular formal adaptation.
Arts/circus arts
The written test
The candidate will choose between two subjects, each relating to one of the two questions included in the limiting program of the Terminale class.
The oral test
For this test, no modification: the ministry decided that it was able to be held without any particular formal adaptation. The assessment will be the subject of subsequent support prior to the tests.
The written test
Here again, a choice will have to be made between two subjects. This test is the subject of an adaptation: it will consist of the proposal of two subjects using two different entries of the limiting terminal program.
The oral test
No modification for this event which will be held without any particular formal adaptation. The assessment will be the subject of subsequent support prior to the tests.
The written test
The test will offer two subjects of the candidate’s choice, each of them relating to one of the three films registered in the limited program for the 2022 session.
The oral test
No modification, the test is able to be held without any particular formal adaptation, by adjusting its conduct and its levels of requirement with regard to the reality of the school year and the consequences of the health crisis. The assessment will be the subject of subsequent support prior to the tests.
Arts/art history
The written test
The format of the event is a little different for this year. It has indeed benefited from an adaptation at the time of writing of the Memorandum n° 2020-024 of 11-2-2020. In order to anticipate the differences between progressions worked on by the art history teams due to the new calendar, the test offers candidates the choice of three subjects corresponding to each of the three questions of the limiting program. Thus, the choice is guaranteed regardless of the progression implemented (two or three questions answered, question A+B or B+C…).
The oral test
In the oral too, the art history test is subject to adaptation. Considering the fact that a team may have addressed only two of the three questions at the time of the exam, the oral test modified by the Memorandum of 25‐9‐2020 reduces the number of portfolios produced by the candidate to two, instead of the three required in the previous version.
The written test
Two subjects to choose from, each relating to one of the two questions included in the limiting program of the Terminale class.
The oral test
The oral theater test has not been modified this year, the ministry considering that it can be held without any particular formal adaptation. The assessment will be the subject of subsequent support prior to the tests.
The written test
This written test consists of three exercises. Please note: the first two exercises are based on the repeated broadcast of recorded musical extracts, with a subject that must be the same for all the candidates gathered in the same room. The first is the description of a brief extract from a work, the second is the comparative commentary of two extracts from works. Then will come the third exercise, which consists of a written commentary on one or more documents testifying to contemporary musical life. From the same corpus of documents, the candidate will have the choice of dealing with one of the two questions asked. This third exercise, specifies the Ministry, does not call for particular knowledge but more “the expression of an analysis and personal reflection on the document(s) provided”. But the evaluation of the written music test does not stop there! In addition, on the basis of a shared reading of the correction elements distributed to the correctors, the IAIPRs will take care to prepare, during an agreement phase, then to finalize, during the harmonization phase, with the correcting teachers an evaluation equitable homework taking into account the “educational realities” of the current year.
The oral test
For this oral part of the musical test, the candidate orally presents and performs a “collective creation developed during the final year”. But this interpretation could be an audiovisual recording; everything will depend on the evolution of the health situation? Indeed, if it became difficult to organize the simultaneous presence of several interpreters (mandatory students from the same high school) at the time of the test, the easiest way would be to take it remotely. After this interpretation, the candidate is interviewed. It will cover both this presentation and this interpretation, but also a summary document approved by the teacher presenting the main lines of the work done during the school year.
A priori, the results of the Arts specialty test will be available on July 5, at the same time as the results of the other tests (French, philosophy and grand oral). The fact that specialty courses are evaluated a little earlier does not affect the publication of the results.