FullSix, Board of Directors approves quarterly results

Vianini 2021 profit rises to 44 million

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of FullSix approved the Group’s Interim Management Report as at 31 March 2022 which highlights Net revenues equal to € 1,195 thousand; a negative result from ordinary operations equal to Euro 552 thousand and a negative gross operating margin (EBITDA) equal to Euro 552 thousand.

The operating result (EBIT) is negative for 769 thousand euros while the net result attributable to the Group is negative and equal to 781 thousand euros.

From the financial point of view, as of March 31, 2022, the Net assets consolidated is equal to Euro 979 thousand, with a decrease of Euro 823 thousand compared to December 31, 2021, when it was equal to Euro 157 thousand. Also on March 31, 2022 the Total debt consolidated financial statement is negative and equal to € 6,045 thousand, an increase of € 1,137 thousand compared to 31 December 2021, when it was equal to € 4,908 thousand.
