between La France insoumise, the PS and the PCF, the agreement is still awaited

In the headlines the left tries to come together for

Time passes and there is still no agreement between La France insoumise, the Socialist Party and the Communist Party. After the announcement of a compromise Monday with environmentalists for the June legislative elections, the party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon was rather optimistic. Despite these positive signs, we are still waiting for this agreement.

On the side of the PS and the PCF too, the signals were encouraging to achieve “ union of the left “So much wanted by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the third man in the presidential election, and prevent certain reforms by Emmanuel Macron. From 10 a.m. Monday morning to late last night, rebels and socialists talked, discussed, with the hope on both sides of reaching an agreement that would satisfy everyone.

►Also listen: LFI-EELV agreement: “For the Socialist Party, it’s either to lie down or perish”

The boss of the PS Olivier Faure has thus spent long hours at the headquarters of La France insoumise and the ecologists have even played the mediators, but for the moment, that has not been enough. At the heart of the discussions and the deadlock is the distribution of constituencies. And it was still on the table when the last journalists left shortly after midnight.

Preserve its outgoing deputies

The Socialist Party would indeed like to preserve its 24 outgoing deputies, where La France insoumise only promised at the start of the negotiations the guarantee of having 15 elected. Above all, the PS negotiators cannot afford an agreement at least due to strong internal opposition to the very principle of this discussion. Negotiations are tight and one-on-one.

The Communists, who were also supposed to sign the agreement on Monday, turned around after spending an hour on the spot, while the ecologists preferred to slip away at the end of the evening. Negotiations were to continue on Tuesday, May 3.
