Kauhajoki taught Vilppa a lesson and took the first fix for the Basketball League championship

Kauhajoki taught Vilppa a lesson and took the first

Kauhajoki’s Karhu Basket took its first attachment to the men’s basketball league championship in Kauhajoki on Monday, when the home team knocked down the reigning champion Salon Vilppa with points 90–68 (38–31).

2.5. 21:36 • Updated 2.5. 21:37

The match started on a steady note and the visitor came to the match a little better prepared than the hosts, but the plot of the evening began to change in the second installment. Vilpas took the first quarter by a point, but by mid-year Kauhajoki, who had defended strongly, had torn to 38-31. The real solution was seen in the third 10-minute, with the home team winning 29-17.

– The first 20 minutes were a smooth game, but there was only one team on the second 20-minute field, admitted Vilppaan’s star Mikko Koivisto.

Based on the first match, Kauhajoki is clearly the driver in the match series. The people of Kauhajoki dominated the field events from time to time, even with a clear difference.

The rebounds went to the home team 39–25. Kauhajoki took 22 offensive rebounds, Vilpas only eight. The scoring went to Kauhajoki 74–53, and the home team forced the guests to lose 23 balls.

– This was Bear’s goodness. Most importantly, we now have a memory and emotional imprint of this game. This is difficult to simulate in advance, no matter how you watch videos and practice, Vilppaa’s head coach said. Sami Toiviainen.

– This was quite a lesson. I guarantee the difference in the next match is not like that.

Defense game as a key

The biggest heroes of the Kauhajoki were the 16-point men Rene Rougeau and Lee Skinner as well as 14 points bagged Severi Kaukiainen. A lively game led under the basket Jeremiah Wood 18 points.

– This was one of our best defense games of the season. That was the big key, Kaukiainen concluded.

– There was a little nervousness at the beginning, but already at the beginning of the match I felt that we were in control with our defensive game. I wasn’t worried, the head coach of Kauhajoki continued Janne Koskimies.

The next match will be played on Wednesday in Salo. Four wins are required for the championship.
