Training and work, CDP Academy: the second Corporate MBA is underway

Training and work CDP Academy the second Corporate MBA is

(Finance) – Offering advanced training to strengthen skills, share growth paths and encourage exchange between the industrial excellence of the CDP Group and its subsidiaries: this is the goal of CDP Academy che, after the success of the first Corporate Master in Business Administration (MBA) in collaboration with the Luiss Business School, it is now ready to launch the according to MBA organized with the MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business.

After a two-year training course – reads the note – the first CDP Academy Master ended with the Graduation Day last April 14, the occasion in which the university diplomas were awarded to the 30 participants. The Chairman of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Giovanni Gorno Tempini and Chief Executive Officer Dario Scannapieco che highlighted the importance of investing in training courses and shared their academic and professional experiences. In addition to the professionals of the CDP Group, the professionals of the investee companies belonging to the CDP Academy Network also took part in the first Corporate MBA: Ansaldo Energia, Fincantieri, Italgas, Open Fiber, Poste Italiane, Nexi, Snam and Terna.

With a launch event, scheduled for next May 26, the lessons of the second edition of the Corporate MBA made in collaboration with the MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business as a university partner and with a number of participants extended to 40 compared to 30 in the previous edition. An opportunity for personal and professional growth, which combines the development of vertical specialist skills with transversal ones, to foster a managerial culture oriented towards innovation, leadership and entrepreneurship.

As with the first edition, people from the companies of the CDP Academy Network will also participate in the MBA. The teachers of the master will all be from MIP, but a space will be reserved for the testimonies of the managers of the CDP Group and of the other investee companies involved. Classes will be held once a month on weekends (Fridays and Saturdays), mainly at the John Cabot University in Rome. The Master’s degree, lasting two years, it includes 55 classroom days at the end of which each participant will obtain a university degree.
