Terna, shareholders’ meeting gives the green light to the financial statements and dividend. Bosetti: “It is urgent to strengthen resilience”

Terna shareholders meeting gives the green light to the financial

(Finance) – Terna’s shareholders’ meeting approved the financial statements year 2021, which closed with a net profit at Group level of 789.4 million euros, up by 3.9 million euros (+ 0.5%) compared to 785.5 million euros in 2020 The assembly also approved the distribution of a dividend of 29.11 cents of euro per share, in line with the policy declared to the market and up by 08% compared to 2020, of which 9.82 cents already paid last November as an advance, while the remaining 19.29 cents per share will be paid next June.

The President Valentina BosettiChairman of Terna, expressedor “pride in the results achieved” and emphasized the elimination of uncertainty that characterized this period, recalling “the urgency of forward-looking action to strengthen the resilience of our energy system as a cornerstone of the country’s security”

Also the Ad Stefano Donnarumma highlighted the “growing commitment to transition and energy independence“and the need to” focus on the fuels we are rich in, sun and wind “to reach the Net Zero target.” focus on grounding the planewhich we updated in March, giving a further boost to investments “, underlined the CEO.

Among the topics on the agenda the appointment of a councilor, Qinjing Shenexpression of the shareholder Cdp Reti, already co-opted after the resignation of Yunpeng He.

Green light of the assembly also to renewal of the buyback plan for 18 months up to 1.95 million shares, equal to 0.10% of the share capital, for a maximum value of 10 million euros, and upon the revocation of the authorization of the shareholders’ meeting of 30 April 2021.

Shareholders representing 69.79% of the capital were present at the meetingAnd. The shareholder Cdp Networks, controlled by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, it holds 29.85% of the share capital.
