Remarkable statement from Minister Koca! “The storm has passed, but…”

Remarkable statement from Minister Koca The storm has passed but

Minister Fahrettin Koca published a message on his Twitter account due to World Vaccine Week. Emphasizing that the last week of April has been an awareness week organized to encourage vaccination against diseases since 2015, Koca said, “Vaccination prevents an estimated 2 to 3 million deaths from diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and measles every year in the world. Its role is known. Many diseases that cause great epidemics and deaths in human history are no longer seen as a result of vaccination. Smallpox has not been seen since 1977, and smallpox vaccination applications were stopped all over the world in 1987 because there was no need for it. Polio is eradicated by vaccination worldwide The last case in our country was seen in 1998. Turkey has eliminated neonatal tetanus since April 2009. Rubella disease has been eliminated since December 2020. As in our country, in many countries, vaccination has been carried out for many years With these programs, diphtheria is not seen.The year the last diphtheria case was seen in our country It is 011. The disease can result in death, especially in those under 5 years of age and incompletely vaccinated.


Emphasizing that vaccines are made against 13 diseases in Turkey, Minister Koca said, “Within the scope of the Extended Immunization Program, vaccines are made against 13 diseases in our country with the childhood vaccination schedule; whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, rubella, mumps, tuberculosis, polio, chickenpox, hepatitis. A, hepatitis B, S. Pneumoniae, H. Influenzae Type B. Vaccination is free to children and at-risk adults A child who completes the Extended Immunization Program schedule will receive diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, measles, rubella, mumps, chickenpox, and the vaccine “A child who completes the vaccination schedule is protected from liver inflammation, liver failure, cirrhosis and liver cancer, tuberculosis, meningitis and pneumonia, otitis media, and disability and death caused by these diseases.”


Regarding the opposition to vaccination, Minister Koca said, “Approximately 1 million 200 thousand babies are vaccinated annually in our country. The vaccines applied are vaccines that have been produced in accordance with the rules of Good Manufacturing Procedures and have been tested in international reference laboratories. The risk of disease inevitably rises for unvaccinated/incompletely vaccinated people, especially children. Vaccine hesitancy and vaccine refusal are among the 10 global health threats today. We have seen the role of the vaccine, which we hoped for at the beginning of the epidemic, in controlling Kovid-19. We experienced a victory similar to their victories. Our native vaccine, Turkovac, is at the service of all of us, especially those in the risk group. The storm has passed, but the vaccine has not lost its importance. Vaccination is our duty to our health. Vaccination is the natural right of every child born. Vaccination is one of the most effective factors in prolonging human lifespan. For a long life for all Let’s spread the awareness of the vaccine,” he said. (DHA)

