Therese Johaug’s new role in top skiing – joins a group tackling the problem of Norwegian skiing

Krista Parmakoski believes that Therese Johaugs departure from the ski

Norwegian media reports that Therese Johaug is involved in a group of eight who plan to raise the status of Norwegian women’s skiing in the coming years.

The success of women’s skiing in Norway was past season Therese Johaugin on the shoulders. The ski queen of recent years ended her extensive career this winter, as did the sprint specialist Maiken Caspersen Falla.

In Norway, therefore, there are concerns about the country’s future, as young promises of the future have not been able to rise to the level expected of them in the adult series. Some experts have criticized that too much has been invested in Norway’s top skiers, Johaug and those who have already finished their careers, in recent years. To Marit Björgen.

At the national championships, even Johaug criticized the state of Norwegian women’s skiing. He said both the coaches and the athletes were to blame for it.

– We need to be more open. It is important for young athletes to be able to participate and see how the best athletes work. Then they can see where they are good and what still needs to be developed, Johaug said In an interview with Adresseavisen (you will switch to another service).

– This has failed in many respects. I think the most important thing now is to build a sustainable foundation. The results do not come by themselves. It’s about practice, practice, and practice. It’s that simple. There is no shock. Athletes need to do the job.

Johaug is not content to just criticize, as he belongs to a group of eight people who plan to raise the status of Norwegian women’s skiing in the coming years. In addition to Johaug, the group includes an Olympic winner and a five-time world champion Bente Skariformer skiers Guro Ström Solli and Berit Mogstad as well as the species manager Espen Bjervig.

The purpose of the group is to find out why Norwegian women’s skiing is in this mess and then make suggestions for improvement. Among the important things are the training philosophy from the young to the top, the improvement of the monitoring of athletes and the organization, culture and management.

The Norwegian women’s ski country team doesn’t currently have a coach because Ola Morten Iversen and Ola Vigen Hattestad have resigned.
