What is good for nausea after alcohol, how does it go? Foods that are good for nausea after alcohol

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Most people experience these problems the day after they consume alcohol, but some people are extremely resistant to alcohol. According to research, 25% of people who consume large amounts of alcohol do not experience the negative effects of alcohol the next day.. Is it a coincidence that these people are not exposed to the negative effects of alcohol? Or do they have some tricks they apply?

The Path of Alcohol in the Body

Trace absorption occurs through the mouth and esophagus during alcohol consumption. When alcohol molecules, which are very small, reach the stomach, they pass from the stomach surface to the cells. The time to mix with the blood varies depending on whether the stomach is empty or full. A large part of it passes directly into the small intestine and is absorbed from there and mixes with the blood. Alcohol that reaches the liver cannot be broken down at once, so blood containing alcohol continues on its way through the heart. When the blood pumped to the lungs and the alcohol in it reach the bronchi, some of it is thrown out together with the polluted air during the cleaning of the blood and causes the breath to smell of alcohol.

After the alcohol reaches the lungs, it reaches the brain and is pumped to the whole body by the heart. From the first moment it is taken into the body, it reaches all cells in the body only 3 minutes later. Considering that the body pumps an average of 5 liters of blood per minute, blood containing alcohol is repeatedly filtered by the liver. Under normal conditions, the liver’s priority is fatty acids, it obtains energy by burning them. However, it gives priority to alcohol, because as the blood alcohol level increases, the body will start to alarm. If the liver takes time to constantly break down alcohol, the fatty acids it would normally break down begin to build up and the liver becomes fatty.

What are the Effects of Alcohol on the Body?

The effects of alcohol on the body differ from person to person, according to the structure of metabolism.

First of all, the type of drink and the alcohol content in it determine the extent to which the negative effects of alcohol will be present in the body. In addition, the effects of alcohol;

  • how long it took to drink
  • Age,
  • Gender,
  • Height Weight,
  • Factors such as psychological state also directly affect it.

Effects of Alcohol by Consumption Amount

  • Alcohol consumed up to 8.5 grams is easily excreted from the body after mixing with the blood.
  • The amount of alcohol taken up to 50 ml causes a state called chaste pleasure. Body temperature rises, the face turns red, perception and metabolism slow down. There are feelings of happiness and excitement. Shyness disappears, impulsive movements begin.
  • 100 ml of alcohol causes perception to slow down. Serious concentration problems, slowing of reflexes, involuntary body movements occur.
  • As a result of drinking 150 ml of alcohol, drowsiness begins. Limbs get out of control. Speech defects, double vision, loss of memory and understanding are seen.
  • Drinking 250 ml of alcohol puts pressure on the stomach. Irritability, provocation, sleep, nausea, vomiting and headache are seen. Incomprehensible words are spoken. Consciousness is noticeably reduced. There may be inability to stand and even leakage.
  • 350 ml; It is the amount in which alcohol coma is seen. Respiratory slowdown causes low blood pressure and loss of consciousness. Muscle strength is completely lost and the urge to urinate can no longer be controlled. It becomes difficult to breathe. As the body temperature drops, high fever is experienced.
  • Ingestion of 500 ml of alcohol causes death due to cardiovascular shock and respiratory arrest.

What Should Be Considered Before Drinking Alcohol?

  • Have a meal first. The body closes the valve leading to the small intestine to digest the consumed food. Since the small intestine is the place where alcohol is most absorbed and mixed into the blood, alcohol is more easily absorbed if your stomach is empty.
  • Do not prefer colored drinks. In dark drinks such as red wine and whiskey; There are more chemicals than drinks like vodka, gin, and white wine, and these chemicals can cause much more damage than alcohol alone.
  • Be careful with the mixes. You may not realize that you are at the limit, as the caffeine in energy drinks and cola will make you energetic. For this reason, it is useful not to mix the drinks together.
  • Set your own drinking rate. Drink at the pace you set, up to the point you’ve already decided.
  • Be sure to have a glass of water with the drink you order. Drink water along with whatever you drink to eliminate dehydration caused by alcohol.
  • Stick to your limit. Do not obey the insistence of your environment, do not feel like you have to drink.

How Does a Post-Alcohol Headache Go?

If you go over the limit you set for yourself, your priority should be to drink plenty of water. In addition, dissolving a tablet of Alka-Seltzer in 1 glass of water and drinking it can make you wake up in the morning a little more comfortably. Starting the day with another tablet when you wake up provides a quick and effective cure, two doses that can even be called a hangover remedy.

In other words, if you ask whether Alka-Seltzer is taken with alcohol; Yes, even drinking one a few hours before you start drinking alcohol can help you complete your night of alcohol much more vigorously, but if you have an upset stomach, be careful with the use of this drug. The risk of stomach bleeding for those with stomach problems increases when this drug and alcohol are combined.

  • It is extremely helpful to take a non-hot shower in the morning, then wear clean clothes and brush your teeth.
  • Having a light breakfast with cheese and bread, some fruit snacks and a short walk will also help relieve headaches.
  • Mineral water is effective in helping to restore the water-salt balance in the body.

What Is Good For Vomiting After Alcohol?

Vomiting means the stomach contents come out. Bile is the name given to the yellow and acidic fluid in the stomach. When vomiting occurs, bile is also present in the vomit. When vomiting occurs when the stomach is empty, the bile in the stomach comes out as vomit. Dizziness and nausea in the morning after alcohol consumption may occur, followed by vomiting of bile. The reason for the nausea that occurs is that the alcohol consumed disrupts the body balance.

It is neither possible nor helpful to prevent vomiting after alcohol. The feeling of vomiting expresses the desire to get rid of the toxic effect of the body. So how do you get rid of nausea after alcohol? The most effective way to relieve nausea is to induce vomiting. Vitamin-rich cranberry or rosehip has an anti-nausea effect. A tea with lemon and ginger, kefir, banana will help get rid of the feeling of nausea. A vegetable salad with carrots and cabbage will be very good for the stomach.

What Is Good For Heartburn After Alcohol?

Stomach pain and heartburn after alcohol is an effect that manifests itself especially after frequent alcohol consumption. If there is an existing stomach problem, the burning in the stomach is more severe after alcohol. While trying to eliminate stomach problems after alcohol consumption, it is recommended to act accordingly if there is an upset stomach. If this is the case, foods and actions that may trigger vomiting should be avoided.

All alcohol products basically have a ‘fermentation’ nature. This yeast structure leads to increased acid production in the stomach and triggers problems such as heartburn and heartburn. Therefore, the first thing to do in order to treat heartburn after alcohol is to consume plenty of water. The most important element that can provide renewal and cleaning in the stomach is natural water. Water that does not contain any additives must be drunk abundantly the next day after alcohol.

In addition, the stomach problem can be alleviated by evaluating options such as boiled eggs, tripe soup, mint tea, ginger tea.

One of the main things to remember is that alcohol depletes B vitamins. Therefore, in order to replace the B vitamins lost after alcohol consumption, foods rich in B vitamins must be consumed.

Ginger tea

Hot or iced tea made with ginger, which is effective in eliminating stomach problems and discomforts, helps to eliminate the effects of alcohol in the stomach, to normalize stomach acidity and to clean the stomach. In this way, it is possible to prevent vomiting.

  • 30 grams ginger
  • 1 glass of water
  • few drops of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

After boiling 1 glass of water well, add ginger to it. After mixing well, cover and leave to infuse for a few minutes. You can add a few drops of lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey to taste.

Things to Consider While Using Drugs After Alcohol

Alcohol may reduce the effect of some drugs and increase the effect of others. In the same way, an effect can be seen in the form of drugs that increase the effect of alcohol. Some drugs can have toxic effects when combined with alcohol. When the drug enters the body, it spreads throughout the body through the blood. As it passes through organs, it undergoes some changes and breaks down. All or broken down products of the drug may cause undesirable effects in some organs. The route of alcohol in the body is very similar to the route taken by the drug. When they show a similar toxic effect, they may cause damage to the same organ by collaborating. The most common warnings against alcohol use are given for the following drugs:

  • Narcosis
  • antibiotics
  • Nerve and sleeping pills
  • diabetes medications
  • flu medicine
  • Containing paracetamol
  • Containing naproxen
  • Some drugs used to treat high blood pressure
  • Nitrates used in coronary heart disease
