D-Share: Dario Pagani new CEO, Giuseppe Macchia confirmed as president

Eni and bp finalize an agreement for the creation of

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of D-Sharea wholly owned subsidiary of AGI Italy Agency, news company of the Eni group, on 22 April last he nominated Dario Pagani, Eni’s Digital & IT head, new CEO of D-Share it is confirmed Giuseppe Macchia, CEO of AGI, as president. They complete the board of directors Alessandra Ferrari, Silvia Rappini And Teresa Schiavariello.

“The appointment of the top management of D-Share – underlines the note – perfects the integration within AGI and Eni of the leading company in technologies and digital projects for publishing, businesses and institutions. CEO Dario Pagani and the president Giuseppe Macchia will give further impetus to a unique reality, which mixes the experience of two worlds: the power of tailor-made digital tools and the authoritative and punctual journalism of AGI “.
