The practice period for the 25-year-old spear pledge has gone almost completely. The convergence injury in the South Africa camp has not caused any changes to the competition plans.
Oliver Helander from the first year of training Tero Pitkämäki the coaching carried encouraging news from the end of the winter. Sport coach Petteri Piironen said To Ilta-Sanomat (you switch to another service)that the top promise of wrestling with injuries had been able to train qualitatively and quantitatively clearly better than before during the autumn and winter.
Due to the health situation, Piironen announced that Helander would open his season in a competition at the Potchefroma in South Africa on April 6. However, Helander withdrew from the race due to his knowledge of the approximator on the chalk lines.
In a SUL press release, Helander was told to go for magnetic resonance imaging, but since then the subject has been quiet. As it is as injurious a shooter as Helander, there has been enough reflection on the quality of the approximation injury.
However, Helander and Pitkämäki want to cut off the wings from rumors: the injury found in the right approximator is not serious and does not change the plans for the competition season.
– Approximation injuries are common for javelin throwers. This is not such that the season is ruined. A quiet period of a few weeks was taken and Turkey is returning to a tougher throw. With these prospects, the season opens as planned in Dessau (May 25), Pitkämäki tells Urheilu.
More specifically, the muscle that caused the sensations is the adductor longus of the right approximator, which can be considered to have a reputation for bad muscle: it is of no benefit to the athlete, but only a possible harm, that is, pain.
Pitkämäki also has experience of the ailment of his protector since May 2016. However, a comparison of Helander’s and Pitkämäki’s injuries does not make sense, as the muscle in Pitkämäki had almost completely become detached from the bone. Instead of muscle attachment to the bone, it would take half a year for the surgeon Harri Panula removed Pitkämäki left proximal adductor longus by surgery.
– If I had ended up attaching the muscle to the bone, I wouldn’t have been able to jog for half a year. It was decided to make an operation favored by the Yankee runners. Among other things Tyson Gay seems to have removed the sags from both legs, Pitkämäki says.
– In my last years, I didn’t notice in any way that the muscle was gone. I also threw just fine, 88 meters the following year, and was immediately able to compete that summer when it was removed. But in Oliver’s case, there is no need to think about surgery when it is not such a big injury, Pitkämäki says.
For Helander, the approximator does not cause a headache either.
– If you continue to have problems with this, then you should probably consider whether it is worth cutting it off. At this point, at least not yet, Helander says.
Ruuskanen’s pants to help?
Should the coordinator cause problems for Helander during the season, Pitkämäki says he has already received help from his current forestry partner. From Antti Ruuskanenwho also suffered from convergence problems at the end of his career.
Among other things, Ruuskanen threw 87.33 meters (was only the Fifth) in the 2015 World Cup finals in Beijing with the trousers designed to manage it, which is now the property of Helander. By adjusting the tension in the groin area of the trousers, it is possible to adjust the load on the approximator.
– Antti Ruuskanen has called them sex pants. The man has sent those pants in the mail that you tried the witch. Let’s see if you need to put on it, Pitkämäki says.
Pitkämäki has also thrown in the championships after a few weeks of flirting due to rapprochement. This was the case at the 2014 European Championships in Zurich, where Pitkämäki won bronze and Ruuskanen won gold.
– Thanks to Ruuskanen’s performance in Beijing, it must be said that he threw in the final with an acute injury. Personally, I was forced to skip the Kaleva Games, but the approximator no longer hindered going to Zurich.
4-5 races before the World Cup trip
After the competition in Dessau, Germany, Helander’s plans are the Paavo Nurmi competition in Finland (June 14), the Kuortane GP (June 18) and the Oulu ranking competition (June 26).
– In addition to Dessau, the intention would be to have 3-4 races before Eugene, Pitkämäki says.
Eugene will host the first World Championships in Athletics on U.S. soil from 15-24. July. The men’s javelin qualifier will be thrown on the 21st and the final on the 23rd. The season of great interest will be complemented by the Munich European Championships a month later.
Although last season was difficult for Helander, it ended in a single success. The 86.13 gold that brought gold to the Kaleva Games in Tampere was an indication of the potential of the shooter currently representing Oulu Pyrintö. Since then, developments have taken place, especially in upper body physics. At the same time, the javelin thrower’s biggest nuisance, or shoulder pain, is a thing of the past.
– When more power has come upstairs, it has helped with the shoulder, Helander says and receives praise from Pitkämäki.
– Yes, you can see from the outside that muscle mass has entered the shoulder blade area. Pallet management has improved significantly. For its part, it brings support to the shoulder and distributes the pressure of throwing to a wider muscle group. So far, it has paid off. The man has been able to throw in a high-powered throwing exercise at least once a week for the last couple of months. That is a very good thing, Pitkämäki says.
Despite the fact that Helander has been in an injury spiral in recent years, he has never disguised his goal of breaking the 90-meter limit. The starting points for the coming summer are better than ever, which Pitkämäki is also aware of.
– If the routine level rises clearly, yes, that top score will also go up with a potential guy like Oliver. Routine and top results go hand in hand.
– 90 meters is such a nice reading. It may go too far or stay half a meter away, but it would be important to be able to make a tough class result even on a weak day, says Pitkämäki and refers to the championships in which he won seven medals in his career.