EU border agency Frontex resigns – allegations of illegal treatment of migrants launched

EU border agency Frontex resigns allegations of illegal treatment

Aid organizations have repeatedly accused Frontex of closing its eyes and even participating in the diversion of migrant boats at sea.

29.4. 15: 06 • Updated April 29. 15:06

Director of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex, French Fabrice Leggeri resigns, news agencies AFP, AP and Reuters report.

According to a source in the French authorities, the news agency AFP, Legger’s resignation is the result of an investigation launched by the EU’s anti-fraud office into “his way of running the agency.”

Frgerx’s board has yet to approve Legger’s resignation.

Last year, the EU Anti-Fraud Office launched an investigation into Frontex, following numerous allegations of illegal treatment of migrants. The results of the investigation have not yet been officially published, but information has already leaked to the media.

According to Reuters, a German MEP Erik Marquardt (Greens / EFA) said in March that the results of the investigation “reveal that Frontex management was aware of and deliberately failed to report human rights violations”.

AFP, for its part, quotes the French newspaper Le Point as saying that the investigation reveals that Legger did not follow the instructions and mismanaged his subordinates.

Established in 2004, Frontex is an EU agency tasked with helping EU and Schengen countries control their external borders in the area of ​​free movement.

The French Legger has been leading Frontex since 2015. During that time, the agency’s resources have increased significantly, according to AFP.

Aid organizations have repeatedly accused Frontex of involvement in the illegal return of migrants at the EU border or of turning a blind eye to it by Member State authorities. The maritime area between Greece and Turkey in particular has been the scene of the allegations.
