Biden asks Congress for 33 billion for Ukraine

Biden asks Congress for 33 billion for Ukraine

(Finance) – The US leader Joe Biden asked Congress a considerable sum of 33 billion dollars to support Ukraine in the conflict with Russia, admitting that “it is not cheap” to send “more weapons and new aid” to Kiev, but “the United States can do it”.

This sum of 33 billion would be divided as follows: 20 billion for military aid, 8.3 billion dollars for economic aid and to “respond to the immediate crisis”, others 3 billion about dollars to finance humanitarian assistance and cope with rising prices of global food supplies that have been threatened by the export blockade.

“We need this measure. We must do our part to help the Ukrainians a fight for freedom and against aggression Vladimir Putin “, the President said, adding that” giving in to aggression would have a higher price than helping Ukraine. “Biden then recalled that” Russia uses energy as a weapon in its aggression “and assures that the USA “they will help the allies on gas and oil and they will not allow themselves to be intimidated by threats from Moscow “.

Biden also said he was “not worried about a recession” American, after the GDP figure for the 1st quarter of 2022, which fell by 1.4% compared to the + 1.1% indicated by analysts, after the + 6.9% recorded in the previous quarter.

Also there Germany today approved the shipment of heavy weapons to Ukraine: the Bundestag voted with 586 votes in favor and one against, while the Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov defined the sending of weapons to Kiev “a threat to the security of Europe”.
