No such spice! Migraine pain, hunger crisis one-to-one: It increases height, protects against cancer…

No such spice Migraine pain hunger crisis one to one It increases

Rosemary is one of the plants whose benefits do not end with counting. As you read about the properties and benefits of rosemary, you will say “there is no such plant”. prof. Dr. Also recommended by İbrahim Saraçoğlu, rosemary comes to the fore as it relieves headaches such as migraines. When you learn the benefits of rosemary, one of the favorite herbs, you will definitely want to have it in the kitchen.


Apart from its pain relief feature, rosemary is an important herb that provides weight control for those who want to lose weight. Rosemary contains abundant carnosic acid. However, glucose levels decrease, which leads to fat accumulation in the body. Rosemary tea, which is important for weight control, prevents hunger crises and balances blood sugar. Rosemary contains fat-burning enzymes that prevent weight gain, and it creates a feeling of satiety and makes you feel hungry later.


The fresh or dried leaves of rosemary, which you can easily find even on the roadside, can be consumed as a spice or tea. Rosemary extracts are used as natural antioxidants to increase the shelf life of foods.



  • It is helpful and supportive against migraine and headache complaints.
  • It is helpful and supportive in increasing the height of boys in the developmental age between the ages of 10-21.
  • Helpful and supportive for people with gout
  • With its anti-inflammatory feature, it accelerates and facilitates digestion.
  • It is known for its muscle spasm and pain relieving properties.
  • It protects heart health.


  • It helps to improve nerve functions. It is especially used in the prevention of diseases such as ataxia, dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • It gives effective results in weight loss.
  • It increases the rate of excretion of water from the body, making it diuretic.
  • Carnosol, rosmarinic, betulinic and carnosic acid in rosemary are protective against cancer. Extracts of the plant give effective results against skin cancer, leukemia, breast and liver cancer, prostate, bladder, ovarian, colon, lung and pancreatic cancers.
