Giovanni Tamburi: most of the subsidiaries continue to experience excellent months

Giovanni Tamburi most of the subsidiaries continue to experience

(Finance) – “The general prospects today are uncertain, but the clear feeling we have is that most of our subsidiaries are continuing to have excellent months“He states it Giovanni Tamburifounder, president and CEO of TIP – Tamburi Investment Partnersin letter to shareholders. “Projecting accounts and contexts into the future would be a dangerous exercise. We do not feel like doing. The filing on the stock prices suffered from November 2021 onwards has a little impact on the amount of capital gains inherent in our consolidation, but the total of the same remains very relevant and can in any case allow us to continue to have excellent balance sheets for quite a long period of time“, adds the number one of the independent investment-merchant bank listed on Euronext STAR Milan.

Tamburi points out that “the outcome of the operation BE and of the IPO Chiorino will soon be able to demonstrate a portion, albeit marginal, of the unexpressed potential of the intrinsic value of the TIP group“. Due diligence is currently underway for the first game, with Engineering having entered into an agreement to acquire the company and launch a tender offer.” Should the operation go through, the capital gain for TIP it would be over 100 million “, the document reads.

The second story concerns Chiorino, a Biellese company that before the conflict in Ukraine had announced that it was working for the landing on the Euronext STAR Milan segment. In this case, says Tamburi, “an operation is underway, this time of listing on the stock exchange that, if the markets allow it, it is expected that it can be finalized in the coming months. The company’s data in the first months of 2022 remain excellent, with further growth also compared to the record year 2021, the top management is receiving an excellent reception from potential investors so, also given the strong acyclical nature of the group’s production, all the ingredients are there to help make it a successful IPO “.

As for the new investment pipelinethe financier affirms that “at the moment we continue to observe a lot and – as already stated – in terms of concreteness we focus on smaller operationsbut with strong possibilities of upside over time “.” Given that TIP, as is well known, looks to the long term, specializes in so-called patient capital, we are in no hurry to rush to show that we are capable of intercepting large transactions, even if the stresses they are remarkable, “he adds.
