What is good for hemorrhoids? How to treat hemorrhoids at home? Natural remedies

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If no measures are taken against hemorrhoids or treatment is not started, these complaints will increase in the later stages. Bleeding in the rectum increases over time. This situation brings with it severe pain. What is good for hemorrhoids? We will talk about home treatment methods for those who say…

If hemorrhoids caused by strain around the breech are not treated early, they cause negative results. The hemorrhoid breast, which is at the beginning level, swells and enlarges over time if care is not taken. When it comes to the 3rd stage, it causes a very painful feeling during stool output. The person does not want to go to the toilet because of severe pain. It causes delayed stool to be harder and drier. Postponing is not beneficial, on the contrary, it causes harm.

What is good for hemorrhoids?

One of the ways you can easily apply at home for hemorrhoid pain is a sitz bath. In order to do this application, it is necessary to put warm water in a basin or a bathtub and sit in it for 15-20 minutes, covering the breech area. You will notice that you are somewhat relaxed. A sitz bath with warm water does not have any side effects. It is aimed at alleviating natural pain. With this method, hemorrhoids will help to lower the breast a little.

In addition, the person can also make ice compresses. After wrapping the ice with a thin cloth, applying it to your breech area at intervals of 5 minutes will help relieve the pain. You can apply Vaseline to the anal area before going to the toilet to avoid irritating the area during stool.

Do not believe the creams or herbal remedies that are sold to reduce hemorrhoids. By using these herbal creams, you may face a different complicated situation. In such a case, be sure to consult a doctor. The creams to be used can provide temporary relief in your hemorrhoid pain. But these existing memes will not go away. After a while, your complaints will start again.

The first thing to do after your pain is relieved after a warm sitz bath is to be treated under the control of a specialist doctor as soon as possible. Because hemorrhoids is not a disease that can go down and heal on its own. Therefore, the person should make an appointment with the relevant department and be examined without fear and embarrassment, and the most appropriate treatment method should be chosen to get rid of the complaints.

Laser method for hemorrhoid treatment

With the non-surgical laser method used today, you can get rid of your pain in 5-6 minutes. After the procedure in such a short time, you can continue your social life by walking. In the non-surgical treatment method, there is no suture scar and pain.

The biggest advantage it offers to the patient is that it does not cause any loss of workforce. It is possible to be both diagnosed and treated on the same day.
