What should the person receiving radiation do? How is radiation removed from the body, what is it good for?

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Today, many technological devices emit radiation together with the radiation that occurs with the deterioration of the structure of nature and cause negative effects in this direction. These substances that emit radiation are called radioactive substances. Radiation emitted from these substances constantly interacts with our organs and tissues without us even being aware of it. While this interaction sometimes produces some visible results, sometimes it happens in a way that affects our tissues and organs without our knowledge.

What are the Harms of Radiation?

The energy created by some radioactive materials breaks down the DNA and as a result kills the cells. As a result, tissues are damaged and some diseases occur. One of these diseases is cancer. In addition, radiation causes genetic changes in living things and permanent damage to the body. The effects of radiation vary according to gender, age and organ, and are observed more frequently and with increasing frequency in children and adolescents.

Radioactive materials that are randomly thrown into the environment affect human, animal and plant health negatively and cause the ecological balance to be shaken. Damage caused by radiation occurs over time. As a result of some events in the past, dust clouds loaded with radioactive materials settle in the high layers of the atmosphere and in the stratosphere, descend to the earth as radioactive precipitation and cause the pollution and unusability of especially surface waters.

Many living species that have been exposed to radiation may have suffered serious and great damage. The effects of this damage can manifest themselves very quickly, or they can appear after a very long process. The main conditions that will occur in the body when exposed to radiation are as follows;

  • High fever and hair loss begin to be seen. A gradual increase is observed.
  • High levels of inhalation of radiation can cause thyroid, breast and liver cancers.
  • Testicular or prostate cancer can occur in men and ovarian cancer in women who interact with radiation.
  • In the first 10 minutes of exposure to radiation, some people experience vomiting and nausea.
  • Cataract problems may occur in the eyes.
  • The risk of developing leukemia occurs when the bone marrow is exposed to radiation.
  • When pregnant women are exposed to radiation, there is a risk of the baby being born disabled or stillborn.

How to Measure Radiation Level in the Body?

The sievert, known as the measurement unit of radiation, is written as sv for short. If it is proportioned as one-thousandth, it is called a millisievert. The rem is also used as another unit. 1 sievert is equivalent to 100 rems.

Radiation can be measured by different methods. The measurement method varies according to the purpose and where the radiation is used. The most basic methods used to measure radiation can be listed as follows;

  • Scintillation sensors: These sensors measure the amount of radiation by emitting visible light as much as the amount of radiation they detect.
  • Calorimetric method: With this method, the amount of radiation is determined by measuring how much the radiation heats the places it passes through.
  • Solid state detectors: Measurement is made by passing the charged particles emitted by the radiation through a semiconductor medium.
  • Neutron detectors: With these detectors, the amount of radiation is determined by measuring the secondary ionizing rays as a result of the neutron interaction in the radiation.
  • Electronic dose meters: It is the general name of technological tools that show the amount of radiation digitally.

After Which Level Is Radiation Harmful?

The amount of radiation that a person in average health can be exposed to is known as 100 millisieverts. The risk of being affected increases in direct proportion to the increase in this amount.

People are exposed to 2 millisieverts of radiation in 1 year in the natural environment. 100 millisievert radiation that a person will be exposed to in a year increases the risk of cancer by 5 percent. At this rate, the number of white blood cells in the blood decreases, but this situation is not considered fatal. However, 50 percent of people exposed to 5 thousand millisievert radiation face death within a month.

  • 500 millisieverts: Abdominal pain and nausea shortly after affecting the body.
  • 700 millisieverts: Vomiting,
  • 750 millisieverts: hair loss within 2-3 weeks,
  • 900 millisieverts: Diarrhea,
  • 1,000 millisieverts: Bleeding,
  • 4,000 millisieverts: Possible death within 2 months if not treated
  • 10,000 millisieverts: Damage to the intestines, internal bleeding, death within 1-2 weeks.

Ways of Protection from Radiation

The strength of energy varies with distance due to its structure. The effects of radiation increase in direct proportion as you get closer to the source. There are some habits and foods that deflect radiation and protect it from its bad effects. The following methods can be applied to protect from some dangers of radiation.

  • The proximity of mobile phones to the body adversely affects health. Carrying it in a pocket can create big problems in the future.
  • Especially pregnant women should use their mobile phones only when needed.
  • Portable computers should not be kept on the lap.
  • According to the research; walking around clean soil helps to remove a great deal of the daily radiation received from the environment from the body.
  • You can be protected from radiation with electromagnetic radiation filters, paints and fabrics specially designed for home environments.
  • It is very important to unplug unused devices.
  • Bedrooms need special protection so that radiation does not affect DNA.
  • Electric blankets must be turned off before going to bed.
  • Correct lighting should be preferred. Florasan should not be preferred.
  • The Wi-Fi system should be turned off when not in use. If it is to be used, it should not be close to the sitting area and should not spend much time next to the device.
  • Wired or wireless devices should never be kept near newborn babies.

What to Eat After Receiving Radiation

X-rays taken from X-ray devices can be harmful when taken in excessive doses, and do not threaten health at low doses. However, when exposed to radiation, you should take a shower immediately and drink plenty of water. In addition, garlic can be consumed because it is a strong antibiotic. Strawberries, oranges and raisins also reduce the effect of radiation in the body. At the same time, the cactus in the room absorbs the radiation. Staying in oxygen-rich environments also prevents radiation-related disorders.

1. Garlic

As it is known, garlic is a very useful food that is good for many different diseases. It is especially known as a natural antibiotic. It is possible to benefit from garlic to protect against the damage of radiation. In particular, various antioxidants such as glutathione and sulfur help to regenerate and protect red blood cells damaged by radiation.

We can easily prepare a garlic cure with 5 cloves of garlic, 250 ml of lemon juice, and 250 ml of drinking water. For this, crush the garlic thoroughly. Then put cold water and lemon juice in a jar and add the crushed garlic into it. Close the lid of the jar and store it in a dark place for 5 days. Shake the mixture regularly every day during this time.

2. Ginger

Ginger can also be consumed as a useful food to prevent diseases that can be caused by radiation. Especially when it is consumed with garlic, it increases its benefits. Because when consumed with garlic, the effect of some antioxidant substances in garlic increases even more.

You can prepare an effective cure with 35 grams of ginger, 10 grams of coriander, 10 grams of senna, 1.5 liters of water and 1 teaspoon of table salt. Boil the ginger for 5 minutes on low heat. Afterwards, add coriander and cassia and continue to boil for a while and add salt at this stage. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes, then strain it. Drink 1 glass of this mixture every night for seven days.

3. Carob

Today, we can prevent the effects of radiation that affects the body naturally or artificially, with the effect of the intense antioxidant substances found in carob.

You can make a carob cure using 6-7 carobs and 650 ml of water. Break the carobs into small pieces and throw them into the boiled water. Let the mixture boil over medium heat for no more than 5 minutes with the lid of the pot closed. After the time is up, turn off the stove and let it rest for 15 minutes. Then remove the carob pieces and consume 3-5 parts in the morning and 2 parts in the evening until the mixture is finished.

4. Licorice Root

Licorice root is among the foods rich in antioxidant care, used to prevent the effects of radiation. It has an effective role in removing the energy that is harmful to the body.

In order to prepare licorice root tea, you need to cut the licorice root into small pieces with the help of a grater or a knife. Under normal conditions, the recommended rate is 1 sugar spoon of licorice root in 1 large tea glass. Optionally, you can add 1.5 or 2 spoons. Boil licorice root in the same amount of water as you have set and brew it for 5-10 minutes. Optionally, cinnamon or mint can be added to the tea. If it has a bitter taste, you can add honey.

5. Yogurt

Does yogurt prevent your radio? Contrary to popular belief, yogurt consumption does not protect from radiation. However, it is recommended that people who use devices such as mobile phones and computers intensively in daily life should eat yogurt. In fact, experts recommend that a normal person eat at least two glasses of yogurt a day.

Regular consumption of yogurt accelerates and facilitates the regeneration and growth of tissues and cells damaged by radiation. However, as we said before, yogurt has no benefit in removing radiation from the human body. However, yogurt increases the resistance of the human body and helps protect the immune system from the harmful effects of radiation. Because although the tissues and cells in the human body renew themselves, it is possible to accelerate this process with external aids and supplements. In addition, in order to reduce the harmful effects of radiation on the body, not only yogurt, but also milk and dairy products, which are at least as effective as yogurt, and protein-rich foods such as eggs and meat should be consumed.

Radiation and Cactus

All plant and flower species capable of photosynthesis absorb a certain part of the radiation thanks to photons, which are the basic unit of light in the environment. Cactus also protects against radiation emitted from various devices we use in our daily life, especially when placed near computers and televisions, it absorbs radiation. Cactus is one of the plants that can be preferred for protection from radiation because it is easy to care for and is a potted plant that requires less water.
