Pay attention to pollen allergy in spring! Triggers respiratory diseases

Pay attention to pollen allergy in spring Triggers respiratory diseases

With the warming of the weather in nature pollen While the amount increases, allergic diseases begin to manifest themselves. Complaints such as sneezing, nasal discharge and shortness of breath, which are frequently seen in spring months, can reduce the quality of life in people with allergies. Medipol Acıbadem Regional Hospital, Chest Diseases Specialist. Dr. Cuneyt Salturk, pollen’s respiratory tract by affecting allergies and asthma can trigger, he said.

Pollen triggers asthma and allergy

Stating that pollen intensified in the atmosphere in the spring entered the body by breathing. Dr. Saltürk, “Pollen, especially with the wind to move to a very long distances mixed with the air we breathe. Cough, sneezing, nose discharge, shortness of breath and wheezing can cause symptoms such as allergic bodies.

What should be done to protect against pollen?


Describing the most effective ways to protect against pollen. Dr. Saltürk made the following suggestions: “Do not stay outside for a long time in the daytime. Pollen concentrates especially in hot and dry weather. Therefore, prefer to go out in the early hours or evening hours. When you come home from outside, change your clothes and take the shower. Pollen can be carried into the house. It is recommended that individuals with allergies should start the necessary treatment by having allergy tests before the month of March.

Reduces the quality of life

Pollen allergy may adversely affect daily life. Dr. Saltürk, “These diseases can reduce yield in school and business life. Especially nasal congestion, shortness of breath and wheezing, making daily activities difficult. In serious cases, asthma attacks may require emergency intervention. Pollen is seen in different density every year.

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