(Finance) – Epcomunicationcommunication company and public relations with strong digital connotation associated one, listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market of Borsa Italiana, informs that it has received communication relating to the outcome of a negotiated procedure launched by Fim – Italian Motonautica Federation.
The Italian Motonautica Federation, founded in 1923, is the body in charge of the promotion and regulation of the patient disciplines in Italy. Recognized by CONI, the FIM is affiliated to the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) and coordinates national and international championships, taking care of the development of the motorboat In all its forms, from the competitive to the amateur sector, to the new frontiers of sustainability and technological innovation in the nautical sector.
Epcomunication was chosen for the implementation of communication services of Social Media Management of the channels of the Federation e Press office For the duration of one year, for a total amount of 115,000 euros net of VAT.
“We will put our experience in the media relations and in the strategic management of digital channels – he said Daniele AlbaneseCEO of Epcomunication – to give maximum prominence to the activities of the Federation, alongside which we will work to increase the visibility of the motorboat and bring more and more passionate and people closer to this unique sport “.