One Piece fans have been waiting impatiently for replenishment of Netflix’s live action adaptation since the previous year. Season 2 is almost finished, but the pirate series has now lost one of its co-captains.
More precisely the producer Matt Owens goes off boardWhile his colleague and co-series creator Steven Maeda is preserved for the format, it should be extended.
One Piece Showrunner Matt Owens leaves the series and explains his exit
On his private Instagram profile, Owens goes into more detail why he suddenly turns his back on Netflix’s hit series:
The last six years of work on the real film of One Piece have been a life -changing journey. A dream dream. But it was also a lot. So I leave the Going Merry to me Treating a break And concentrate on myself and my mental health.
In the same breath, he thanks his One Piece crew, with which he has worked together in recent years to awaken the manga vision of Eiichiro Oda for live action life:
Many thanks to Oda, Shueisha, Tomorrow Studios, Netflix and the entire line -up and crew for your trust, your partnership and your hard work. Now I will take a deep breath, try therapy, try to climb Rivals in Marvel and then refreshed return for new adventuresthat await me.
He left open whether these “new adventures” have to do with One Piece and/or Netflix again, or will be completely different projects.
One Piece Season 2 is still on course
It is also unclear whether a replacement showrunner is hired for Matt Owens, or Steven Maeda should control the Netflix-Kahn on its own. However, the changed personnel should hardly have an impact on the 2nd season of One Piece, because it has long been in the box and is currently in post-production. There is still no specific date, but new episodes should still 2025 at Netflix Get into the streaming port.
The matter becomes exciting from the potential season 3 if the creative compilation in the background of the series changes in the writing process. Fans should easily tense, after all, one Piece has so far been one of the few manga and anime adaptations with which the followers: inside could make friends.