Save SEK 3,360 on your electricity cost – so do you

Save SEK 3360 on your electricity cost so do

Most of society has become more expensive in recent years. Here it is reported how you can reduce electricity costs through smart and simple actions. In the long run, it can result in a thousand dollars saved.

In recent years, prices of electricity have been at soaring levels, which has seen Swedish households fight more and more with a strained private economy.

On March 25, Svenska Kraftnät’s analysis reported that prices in the coming years are expected to fall by ten percent in the southernmost parts of the country, while almost double electricity prices are waiting in the north.

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You can influence your electricity bill

During the cold months of the year, most people are more expensive to heat the home. Therefore, as we are now moving towards warmer seasons, it can be difficult to know how much electricity actually costs.

The Compremen Comparison Service reports that the cost of heating your villa, or taking a shower, or having the underfloor heating can differ significantly. But through smarter habits you can save large sums of money, they explain on their own website.

Read more: News Today – Current news from Sweden and the world

Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

The economist Christina Sahlberg has, through statistics from Statistics Sweden (Statistics Sweden), calculated how much you can actually save by reducing, pulling down or even changing the use of electricity in the home.

“When we calculate the cost of electricity consumers in the home, we use the average prices during 2024 including electricity tax and other premiums. These prices vary depending on electricity contracts and choice of electricity dealers,” Sahlberg writes at The website.

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So much you can save on floor heating

If you use underfloor heating in the home, consumption is about 150 to 300 kWh per square meter per year, they report on Sahlberg. If the underfloor heating is used around the clock for half a year, it means 1,125 kWh per year for ten square meters.

So much you save depending on which electricity area you live:

  • Electric area 1: SEK 1,496/year
  • Electric area 2: SEK 1,485/year
  • Electric area 3: SEK 1,665/year
  • Electric area 4: SEK 1,890/year
  • Read more: Prices are rushing – yet we spend less money on food

    So much you can save on pulling down on the shower

    Ten minutes of showering, according to Compricer’s analysis, corresponds to around 4.2 kWh per occasion. Distributed over one year, it will be 1,521 kWh. If you shower instead only for three minutes, it only draws 1.25 kWh, which corresponds to 456 kWh/year.

    Savings potential if a person shortens the shower from ten to three minutes, depending on which electricity area you live:

  • Electric area 1: SEK 1,416/year
  • Electric area 2: SEK 1,406/year
  • Electric area 3: SEK 1,576/year
  • Electric area 4: SEK 1,789/year
  • So much you can save on the heating of your villa

    A villa that is heated with the help of electricity draws about 20,000 kWh per year. If you lower the indoor temperature by two degrees, you can make the minimum consumption by as much as 10 percent per year, which corresponds to 2,000 kWh.

    So much you save depending on which electricity area you live:

  • Electric area 1: SEK 2,660/year
  • Electric area 2: SEK 2,640/year
  • Electric area 3: SEK 2,960/year
  • Electric area 4: 3,360 SEK/year
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    Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

    So much pulls the dishwasher

    If you use your dishwasher daily, about 375 kWh is consumed per year, according to SBC’s statistics that Compricer has taken part in.

    Annual cost depending on which electricity area you live:

  • Electric area 1: 469 SEK
  • Electric area 2: 462 SEK
  • Electric area 3: 518 SEK
  • Electric area 4: 588 SEK
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