China’s biggest threat to the interests of the United States

Chinas biggest threat to the interests of the United States



Full shore China is considered to be the biggest threat to US interests globally, according to a new intelligence report. Photo: Andy Wong/AP/TT

China poses the biggest threat to US interests globally, according to an intelligence report released in the United States. The report states that China is making progress, both military and in cyber operations.

The press against Taiwan and “comprehensive cyber operations against American goals” are signs of China’s growing threat to US national security, according to the annual threat assessment. The report is an overview of “collective insights” from US main intelligence services, about security threats against the United States from other countries and criminal organizations.

“China is the most comprehensive and robust military threat to US national security,” the report states.

However, China is considered to be more “cautious” than Russia, Iran and North Korea and does not want to appear too “aggressive and disturbing”.
