GTA 6 delay can finish some companies

GTA 6 delay can finish some companies

The postponement of GTA 6 to a history after 2025 can create a major financial crisis for some companies in the sector. Analysts’ views are remarkable.

The highly anticipated production of the game world GTA 6Although an official release date has not yet been announced, it is expected to be released in 2025. However, analysts in the gaming industry say that a possible delay of the game may have serious consequences. Speaking at the GDC (Game Developers Conference) Newzoo Analyst Ben Foster said that if GTA 6 is postponed, some game studios may experience major financial losses and even face the danger of bankruptcy.

Effect of GTA 6 and concerns

The GTA series has a major impact on the game world not only on players, but also on developers and publishers. Foster said that many studions have arranged their games according to the release date of GTA 6, and that this date is uncertain leading to a “waiting crisis” in the sector.

“If you are waiting for the exit of GTA 6 as a game company and this date is postponed even for a few months, you will either have to release your game in that space or you will have to finance your operations for a few more months. This delay may be disaster for some companies, Fos said Foster, especially small and medium -sized studios.

According to Foster, the postponement of GTA 6 will adversely affect not only studios waiting for the release date, but also companies planning the marketing strategies of their games according to this date. The release dates of large budget productions in the game world have a direct impact on the timing of other games. The delay of a huge production of GTA 6 may also interrupt the promotional and sales processes of other games.

Rockstar Games and Take-Two Interactive, GTA 6 will be released in 2025 had already expressed. However, since an official release date is not announced, this uncertainty increases the tension in the sector. Foster’s statements once again reveal that GTA 6 is not only a game, but also a “mega production” that affects the general balance of the sector. The game world waiting for the GTA 6, we hope it will not face possible effects of this delay.
