Causes intestinal infection? How does intestinal infection pass?

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Bowel Infection is inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract in which many bacteria, parasites and viruses affect the stomach or intestines. Microbiological agents that cause this disease can generally be transmitted by water or nutrients. Intestinal infection, which is called gastroenteritis as a medical name, is an extremely common disease and its symptoms are immediately noticed. It is necessary to see a doctor without wasting time.

Causes intestinal infection?

Intestinal infection, which is examined under viral infections, parasites, bacteria headings, may occur due to various reasons. In general, viruses, bacteria or parasites entering the body through contaminated water or foods cause bowel infection. Intestinal infection may occur due to the following conditions:

  • Hands are not washed enough and regularly
  • Not enough cooking and consuming of meat and similar nutrients
  • Eating vegetables and fruits without washing enough
  • The water consumed is dirty
  • Consumption of degraded nutrients
  • Use of towels and similar personal items of infected people
  • Deterioration of microflora balance in the intestine

What are the symptoms of bowel infection?

In general, the symptoms of infection show itself with the following situations:

  • Very liquid diarrhea status that starts suddenly
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fire
  • Cramp in the abdomen
  • Stomach ache
  • Weakness
  • Blood or mucus in the feces
  • Appetite
  • Weight loss
  • The feeling of thirst and so on

Is bowel infection infectious?

Intestinal infection is one of the infectious diseases. Therefore, personal items that belong to the infected person should not be used. In addition, the factors that cause infection and the consumption of foods that are contaminated, or the hands of the hands that have been contacted with the factor are taken to the mouth.

Intestinal infection manifests itself with symptoms of diarrhea, fever, weakness or loss of appetite in infants. When the symptoms are seen, the baby should be taken to the doctor without losing time and the treatment method that the doctor deems appropriate should be strictly followed.

How does intestinal infection pass?

It may be possible to prevent bowel infection, which is one of the very common diseases, or to control the symptoms seen when it occurs. For this, some of the experts’ suggestions are:

  • Prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water
  • Using a saline solution consisting of salt, sugar and water mixture with a doctor’s approval
  • Consuming probiotic foods such as yogurt, kefir or buttermilk
  • Consuming tea like chamomile tea, mint or fennel
  • Drinking tea with garlic
  • Drinking water with lemon
  • Honey ginger root water drink

What to eat in intestinal infection? What to eat in intestinal infection?

When a person has intestinal infection, he should eat some nutrients during the treatment process that the doctor deems appropriate. Thus, the symptoms of the disease can be prevented. The food deemed necessary as dominant is water. Because plenty of clean water should be consumed in this process, so dehydration should be prevented. Some of the nutrients recommended to be eaten are:

  • Lean cheese and yogurt
  • Banana
  • Carrot
  • Lean soup
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Apple
  • Peach
  • Boiled rice
  • Ayran
  • Kefir
