The executive wishes to be able to suspend the RSA from 30 % to 100 % in the event of breach of the commitment contract. A measure already criticized by the CNLE, an entity responsible for assisting the government.
Since January 1, 2025, several measures for full employment have entered into force. Beneficiaries of RSA must now “sign a commitment contract including an action plan specifying its objectives of social and professional integration”. It is within the framework of this “action plan” that the famous 15 hours of weekly activity are written to benefit from the allowance. These activities cannot be a salaried job or volunteer work. This can be obtaining a driving license, with funding aid, business immersion or participation in associative activities.
The Ministry of Labor nowPlating on a scale of sanctions in the event of “breach” to the contract of engagement on the part of the beneficiaries of the RSA, according to a document transmitted to the departmental councils and which could consult the radio agency France Thursday March 20. This scale provides two levels of breach of the commitment contract within the framework of the “Suspension-Remobilization” system, provided for by the law of December 18, 2023.Decree is provided for in the Council of State “to set the framework.”
Suspension then deletion of the allowance
In fact, a first breach will lead to “a remobilization suspension” of allowances, “in a range ranging from 30% to 100% per 1 or 2 months”. “The quota is capped at 50% for the households composed of more than one person. If the person re -mobilizes during the duration of sanction provided, the amount suspended is donated. In the absence of remobilization, the amount is de facto deleted,” said the document.
In the event of “second breach, persistence or reiteration (…) giving margins to assess the severity of the breach”, the document first provides “a suspension of 30% to 100% from 1 to 4 months, which is interrupted in the event of remobilization of the person”. Then, “an abolition of 30% to 100% from 1 to 4 months”. “Both for the suspension and for the abolition, the quota is capped at 50% for the households made up of more than one person,” it is also able to read.
The CNLE sounds the alarm
This RSA suspensionIn the event of a breach of the commitment contract on the part of the beneficiaries is far from being unanimous.The National Policy Council for Poverty and Social Exclusion (CNLE) –Instance attached to the Prime Minister, responsible for observing the evolution of poverty, inequalities and exclusion in France, and to assist the government, by its opinions, on all the questions of its field of expertise – precisely a notice warning against the suspension “without discernment” of the allowance. Rather, it offers the implementation of a “floor income”, so that the application of sanctions cannot completely deprive resource households. A “moratorium” on the decree relating to sanctions to avoid ruptures of rights and “unfounded radiation” is also mentioned.
In its opinion, the CNLE believes that the strengthening of sanctions is “disproportionate with regard to the volume, marginal, situations of fraud and extends a suspicion against the entire population of the beneficiaries of national solidarity”. The Council was already rating against the obligation for beneficiaries to carry out 15 hours of activity. According to him, this could lead to “disproportionate pressure on the public concerned”, constitute a “constraint likely to deprive the work of social support of its meaning”, even “divert volunteering from its free character”.
ForPascal Brice, president of the Federation of Solidarity Actors, the sanctions pose a major social problem, even societal “fuel the idea that the country’s difficulties would be linked to the most fragile”. “The government may have better to do in times that to get people who survive 640 euros per month,” he launched this Friday on Friday on Friday on Friday on Friday on Friday on Friday on Friday France Info. An analysis shared by the Secretary General of Secours Populaire, Henriette Steinberg for TF1 : “The idea of sanctioning people who are already in very great difficulty (…) means that their difficulties will increase”, she regrets.