“Dance with the stars” is starting to suffer from insistent rumors on the swimmer Florent Manaudou and the dancer Elsa Bois. This Friday premium is an opportunity not to be missed …
The 14th season of Dance with stars beats its full on TF1. And as with each edition, some emblematic couples attract attention. This is the case this year of the duo formed by the swimmer Florent Manaudou and his partner, the dancer Elsa Bois. Since their first step of two on the prosecution on February 7 – a frenzied salsa on the title “The Time of My Life”, from the film Dirty Dancing -, rumors are going well as for a possible idyll.
After weeks of speculation, Here is Looked down a “scoop” in the purest tradition of the celebrity press this week: yes, according to the magazine, Florent and Elsa would indeed be in couple! The weekly affirms that the professional dancer, who had already hit the headlines in Dals In 2021 by starting a relationship with the influencer Michou, was seen leaving the Parisian apartment of the Olympic champion in the early morning, in the aftermath of a bonus. “According to our information, after the last bonus of Dance with stars Broadcast on February 28, the dancer discreetly joined the swimmer in her apartment, where she spent the night before the swimmer’s departure for Marseille, where he lives “, can be read.
No evidence, but immediate excitement
As often with this kind of scoop, the article is very affirmative without providing real proof. But given the attention paid for weeks on the duo, it was quickly taken up by several other titles of the People press. The case is serious for Dance with starswhich for a few seasons has been as much about it for what is happening behind the scenes as for high -flying services during bonuses.
The complicity between Florent Manaudou and Elsa Bois has been abundantly commented. Supported looks, compliments or small words of encouragement, tender gestures, alchemy on the parquet … The slightest clonent of a rapprochement is the subject of a recovery in the media, with its dose of speculation and undergreen. The seduction game was already scrutinized given the announcement by Florent Manaudou of his relationship with an unknown young woman, Lola Dumenil, a few months before Dals. The couple, who were on social networks, has not given any news since the beginning of January and a trip to New York.
The rumor has taken a completely different dimension since the announcement by Elsa of her rupture with the Youtubeur Michou, last February. At the house of Dalswe have tried to alert on the false semblances, like Jean-Marc Généreux who explained in Le Figaro TV that “in dance, we become actors […] And sometimes actors are very convincing “, nothing is there. The embarrassment of the two dancers, who obviously have nothing formalized, is more and more palpable.
“You just look at me …” The embarrassment of Florent Manaudou and Elsa Bois
During the last bonus, judge Chris Marques considered that something happened “and asked Florent Manaudou in what state of mind he was during a most intense dance. “It’s difficult as a question,” stammered the swimmer, uncomfortable. Same discomfort during rehearsals, where the attitude and comments of Elsa Bois, which scrutinizes the slightest false step of her partner, are overly printer. “You’re just looking at me, it put me pressure,” said the swimmer recently, immediately causing his share of articles.
The celebrity press should continue to put them under pressure, but Florent Manaudou and Elsa Bois, like TF1 moreover, have the opportunity this evening to get out of this spiral and to silence once for all rumors. For the sixth premium of Dals This March 21, celebrities will indeed be surprised by a “mystery guest”, in the midst of choreography. If Laure Manaudou, the sister of Florent Manaudou, is obviously in all the spirits concerning the swimmer (she has already appeared during the first bonus), see appearing Lola Dumenil on the dance floor would cause a shock. But will production want to deprive itself of one of the main reasons for interest in this 2025 seasons?