Financial services, inclusion and reduction of inequalities: the meeting of the Civita and Mediolanum association

Financial services inclusion and reduction of inequalities the meeting of

(Finance) – In Italy, almost 2.3 million peopleequal to 4.4% of families, do not have access to Basic financial instrumentssuch as current accounts or payment services, (source: report “Financial and microcredit inclusion” edited by the Banca Etica group, C. Borgomeo & Co. and the Italian microfinance network.) A phenomenon that is affected by the so -called “desertification of services“including banking ones, for depopulation and demographic drop in internal areas and small municipalities: in 2022 554 counters were closed, leaving 4 million citizens in municipalities without bank branches.

The closures In particular, low -income people, precarious workers and small businesses, but, as the Bank of Italy analyzes, it is a “socio -demographic problem“Since in the municipalities without branches 9 times out of 10 the pharmacy is missing and the railway station and tobacconist is also rare. financial services It is essential to build a more inclusive and resilient society.

Of this and other themes but above all of solutions concrete There was talk in the meeting entitled “Bank and social inclusion: challenges and opportunities” organized byCivita Associationreality that has been dealing with a dialogue between the world of culture and business world for 35 years, in collaboration with Mediolanuma bank strongly committed to promoting financial inclusion and sustainability in general.

AteventModerated by the Lecce Safiria Journalist, Simonetta Giordani General Secretary General Civita, Gianfranco Torriero, deputy general manager of ABI, Giovanni Pirovano, president of Banca Mediolanum, Mario La Torre, full professor of Economy of Financial Intermediaries, Sapienza University of Rome, Lucrezia Fatabene, Associated Professor of Economics of Financial Intermediaries at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, participated

The event was underlined that the sector financial It is called to play an active role in promoting greater inclusion and reducing social inequalities. This objective may be achieved by investing, for example, in training programs for citizens and businesses, in particular in the most fragile contexts. In this sense, the collaboration Among institutions, associations and banks is crucial to spread a more aware and responsible financial culture. The need was underlined, to guarantee financial services to the whole population, of innovative solutions such as mobile branches, banks Of community and support networks based on digital technologies. Technology can be a powerful inclusion tool. In fact, today accessible, intuitive and safe digital solutions can be created, which also allow those who do not have physical access to the bank branches to take advantage of essential services. Microcreditaccounts at no cost or subsidized and solutions for atypical workers and small businesses are tools of great importance for banking and financial inclusion. Women, young people and immigrants often meet greater obstacles in accessing credit and services financial And targeted programs such as microcredit, guarantee funds and subsidized tools can help reduce this gap.

“The issue of bank inclusion is first linked to a cultural aspect. The financial system is not only an economic actor, but a fundamental pillar for social cohesion. Banks, public institutions and third sector entities are called to collaborate to bring down barriers to access to financial services and ensure that each individual, in particular, those who belong to the weakest bands have the tools to build a more solid and independent future, without being excluded, without being excluded, without being excluded. From opportunities for growth and improvement of one’s own living, private and working conditions. Simonetta GiordaniSecretary General of the Civita Association – a more inclusive and resilient economy passes through an increasingly open, innovative and oriented financial system to the common good. This challenge concerns everyone “.

“The commitment of the banks operating in Italy is strong to encourage the development opportunities of territories and communities, in an increasingly complex and stringent regulatory framework, and of digital innovations that impact on habits and customer needs. – he said Gianfranco Torrier Deputy General Director of Vicar ABI – To give impulse to a sustainable and widespread development of the production sectors, it is necessary to support a constructive dialogue between all economic and social parties, and develop European and national policies to encourage development, prosperity and to attract investments even in minor locations. ABI is strongly committed to promoting innovative solutions by developing collaborations between public and private, for the protection of legality, to enhance financial education as a tool for social inclusion “.

John PirovanoPresident of Banca Mediolanum he said: “Banks have a duty to play a social role, listening to the territory and supporting those in difficulty. The rescue loan, in collaboration with the diocesan anti -usury foundations, represents a concrete tool to prevent the use of wear and encourage financial inclusion, restoring dignity and stability to those who, although deserving, are considered not bankable. In the responsibility of the whole system in supporting the community, so that no one is left behind “.
