You can already stream them in German

You can already stream them in German

Romeo and Julia, Jack and Rose, Ross and Rachel, Tim and Lucy … At least that’s how the rookie fans looked over seasons and cheered on the series pair with the nickname Chenford in their burgeoning relationship from episode to episode. But then an absolute shock moment followed: Tim (Eric Winter) suddenly sent Lucy (Melissa O’Neil) into the desert in season 6 and the dream couple seemed to be history.

After slow advancement attempts, Chenford fans can finally look forward to in season 7. Because a episode of the new season has a particularly tough one. And best of all: you can now stream them in German immediately.

Attention, Spoilers for The Rookie Season 7 follow!

A dream for Chenford fans: Tim and Lucy approach again in the rookie season 7 episode 6

In the promising episode with the title The gala Valentine’s Day is imminent for the rookie crew. Tim and Lucy are selected together for the completely unromantic mandate, in front of the police station a “reveal your: n ex” stand.

In the evening, the police officer awaits: the donation gala of Luna Gray finally expects the LAPD inside, where Tim gets into a drunk and violent argument. Lucy hurries to help and offers to treat the bloody cut on his neck. The two ex-lovers come closer again- And land in bed.

In an interview with TV Guide, Melissa O’Neil explained that this development was not planned for Lucy, but gave up her figure here a moment:

I don’t think she thinks about landing in bed with him when she goes to him. […] But when she is there while she takes care of her stuff, finished the bandage, he is suddenly there. We all know this moment when you look into a person and think, ‘no. Not that. ‘ It is an unspoken thing, she can’t help it. It is the moment that doesn’t need any words.

However, Chenford fans should not be happy, because the two try to convince themselves afterwards that the Valentine’s Day sex was only a unique thing. You can already stream in other episodes whether this attempt will remain successful.

More about The Rookie:

When and where is the rookie season 7?

The 7th season of The Rookie is currently running on ABC in the USA. A few days after US broadcast, the new episodes end up at WoW in streaming subscription *. Episode 1 to 9 is currently available as a German dubbed version. Every Friday fans can currently look forward to a new episode.

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