Players can finally become a ghul in Fallout 76, must work directly in contaminated ore mines

With the new update in Fallout 76 you can become a real ghul in the survival MMO, with protection against diseases, radiation and of course with no nose. Although the ghul is not entirely at no cost, it has many advantages – the other players want to take advantage of directly.

How now, Ghule?

  • Fallout 76 has arrived in Season 20 since March 18. The new update “The Interior Ghul” brings with it several content, including the opportunity to become a ghul.
  • After a short quest series in Savage Divide, you turn into a full ghul like from the games or the Fallout series. If you don’t like that, you can convert yourself back – from then on the quest series is blocked and you stay a person.
  • Ghule “overgrow” if you indulge in too much radiation. But despite this danger, you have a number of advantages from which a few players now want to make profit.
  • This should be the tasks of the ghule: One of the advantages of the ghule is to be immune to any kind of illness and radiation. This is particularly useful in public events, because there are often extremely contaminated areas that players can kill directly without protective clothing.

    In the event beam brawl, or “radiation Rumble”, you have to get ores out of contaminated mines, while a steady stream of opponents wants to prevent you from doing so.

    So you actually need protection against radiation and for fighting. However, the armor only offer one of the two to a sufficient level. On Reddit, a user therefore has the idea of ​​signing the immune ghule directly for these special jobs against radiation, but rather … Direct way:

    I don’t want to hear excuses. No: “I forgot my power armor” or: “My protective suit was stolen from the sheepsquatch.” No, no, no, your noseless f **.

    There are no excuses this time. You were literally created. You will actively benefit from throwing your head into the loving hug of the atom, so you are now playing stone tapper. I hope your necrotic legs still work because you should finally start moving them.

    – Sincerely, high priestess Camilla

    Fallout 76: In the Survival MMO on PS5 you can let the inner ghul out

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    The most difficult events suddenly become easier

    In the comments there is a joking, sometimes somewhat cynical bone. After all, most ghule do not just want to be degraded to work slaves. However, astonishing many appear to be with their new task.

    For example, it says: “I did all the hard work before my ghulification. Now I can only do it in underpants.” Others agree and note that further events are also significantly easier.

    The event evacuation notice, for example, is considered the hardest in the entire game. Here, waves must be held on opponents and meat bags have to be destroyed, while a cleaning unit must be maintained. If the unit breaks, it radiates the surroundings so strongly that players die within a few seconds without protection.

    Ghule can simply play the mechanic here and hang out in a relaxed manner, while the Space Marines mow the opponents with heavy bolt players in power armor with their thick boars.

    However, what comes out clearly in the thread is the certain rivalry between the ghules and the “smooth skins.” Already now, on the first day, the players sink deep in the role -playing game and throw themselves with insults as you know them from the games. To slip into a role, but is part of the experience for many players in Fallout 76, but some exaggerate: players take their role too seriously, others disgust from Fallout 76 – now they are still quiet
