Booze Sales at City of London Rinks? You are running on it

The Idea of ​​Serving Alcohol at City Facility Such As Hockey Rinks is getting an Ice-Cold Reception Before It Even Leaves The Bench.

The Idea of ​​Serving Alcohol at City Facility Such As Hockey Rinks is getting an Ice-Cold Reception Before It Even Leaves The Bench.

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Ahead of the Year’s First Meeting of London City Council’s Committee Budget, Where Politicians Will Be Working on Cuts and Potential New Revenue to Bring the 2026 Tax Hike in At Less Than Five Per cent, is a staff report Requested by Council to see If Booze at More City Boild Money-Maker.

Though City Staff Don’t Take A Position, they flag Several Barriers Such As Retooling Concession Stands at Arenas and Community Centers, New Insurance Policies and Liabibility and Staff Training.

“Civic Administration Would Need to Conduct a Cost Benefit and Payback Analysis in the Context of Additional Risks to Determine Whhether Will Be a significant Enough Financial Return On Any Potential Investment Required for A Facility,” The Staff Report Says.

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Though they would need work, City Staff Flag Several Community Centers and Arenas With Concession Stands That Could Be Overhauled to Serve Alcohol, included:

  • Earl Nichols Recreation Center
  • Argyle Arena
  • Kinsmen Recreation Center
  • Stronach Arena
  • Carling Recreation Center
  • Farquharson Arena
  • LAMBETH Community Center
  • Medway Community Center
  • Oakridge Arena

As of now, the city serves Booze Regularly at Both of its golf courses, through a third party at sites such as labatt park, through special permit at Springbank Gardens and the Civic Gardens Complex, and through Events at Locations Like Dundas and Victoria Park.

The report points out the city already cracked down on typical booze-fuelled private events such as weddings, and stag and does, at recreation and sports facilities in 2008, and that from Were More Likely to Arise when Alcohol Was Present, Including Vandalism, Cleanup and Noise Complain.

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Staff reached out to six other comparable Ontario Cities and Found London Already has lax Rules Around Booze. Some cities outright ban alcohol events at all public facilities, or ban it in facilities when children could be present.

“Municipalities have identified no interest in expanding these services due to low demand, spectator behaviour concerns, Increased Operating Costs, Risk to the Municipality, and Regulatory Barriers,” The Report Said.

The Middlesex-London Health Unit also Provided Feedback in July when Council instructed staff to report back, raising concerns about social and physical harms from alcohol consumption.

The Health Unit Cast Doubt On Alcohol’s Ability to Generate Revenue and Flagged Injuds that can be caused by consumption and the potential risk to youth in recreation centers.

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“Youth Frequent Municipal Facility and Youth Are Particularly Vulnerable To Alcohol Advertising and Promotion,” Joanne Kearon, associate medial officice of health, Said in a Letter. “We are already anticipating an increase in exhibition to advertising and promotion to youth through the provincial expansion in alcohol retail outlets, where alcohol will be available in stores frequenned by youth.

For Deputy Mayor Shawn Lewis, who was among politicians who suggest the idea, he’s seen enough. He Said there are already Logistical Challenges for the City’s Concession Stands, EITHER HAVING TO Contract Out the Service or Operate on Limited Hours.

That’s aside from the money it would take to help make the service a reality.

“The Kind of Reading Between the Lines here,” He Said. “I WANTED TO see there was an opportune for an expansion of this to bring in some additional income, but based on the report, I think that it’s probably not soomething that makes a lot of sense to move forward with.”

The Budget Committee Will Meet To discuss the Report on Wednesday at 10 am

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