Russia denounces a new attack on its soil

On the 63rd day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on April 27, Russia noted new explosions in Belgorod Oblast, on the border with Ukraine.

Moscow has blocked the RFI website, which broadcasts information in fifteen languages ​​including Russian. An alternative URL address allows access to the site in French and in Russian. RFI in Russian is also available on Telegram: a VPN and in Russia in French via satellite on Hotbird.

► The site of the Russian editorial staff of RFI broadcasts Ukrainian public radio (in the Ukrainian language) from the home page.

The main points:

► The Moldovan separatist authorities of Transnistria denounced a terrorist attack against a military unit on Tuesday morning, as well as explosions at two radio antennas and the Ministry of Public Security on Monday evening. Incidents fuel fears of a spillover of the conflict in Moldova, which decided to urgently convene its national security council. Ukraine accuses Russia of wanting destabilize » Moldova. The Moldovan authorities are calling for calm.

► The United States organized a meeting with 40 allies at the American base in Ramstein in Germany to coordinate their efforts to support Ukraine. The most concrete announcement was the ldelivery of tanks by Germany.

► The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres met on Tuesday with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, then the president Vladimir Poutine in Moscow. He assured that he was looking to find ways to find a “ peaceful solution ” as quickly as possible. According to the UN, Vladimir Putin accepts help from the international organization to evacuate civilians from the Azovstal factory in Mariupol.

► The Russian Ministry of Defense has warned the United Kingdom against a “ proportional response “immediate if the British government continues its” direct provocation to Ukraine to hit targets in Russia.

► The Russian group Gazprom suspends from Wednesday its gas deliveries to the Bulgaria and the Poland.

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5:14 a.m .: UK says Ukraine maintains control of its airspace

According to the British Ministry of Defence, Ukraine retains control of the majority of its airspace. ” Russia failed to effectively destroy the Ukrainian Air Force or suppress Ukrainian air defenses. Ukraine continues to endanger Russian air assets “, says the British government in a daily update.

The United Kingdom assures that Russian air activity is concentrated in southern and eastern Ukraine, where Russian forces and its allies are concentrating their efforts. ” Russia has very limited air access to northern and western Ukraine, which limits offensive actions to deep strikes with ranged weapons “, continues the British Ministry of Defense.

04:48: Renault will transfer its Avtovaz shares to a Russian scientific institute

The French group will transfer its 68% stake in the Russian manufacturer Avtovaz against a symbolic amount to a Russian institute, but will however be able to buy back its shares later, according to the Russian Minister of Commerce, Denis Mantourov, quoted by the press agency. Interfax.

Highly exposed to the Russian market, Renault announced last month the suspension of its activities in its Moscow factoryagainst a backdrop of international pressure and Western sanctions against Russia following the offensive in Ukraine.

Read also: Russia: employees of the Renault/Avtovaz factory in Togliatti worried about their future

4:06 am: Explosions heard in the Russian city of Belgorod

A series of explosions were heard in the early hours of Wednesday in the Russian town of Belgorod, located just 40 km from the Ukrainian border. According to the governor of the region Vyacheslav Gladkov, a fire broke out in an ammunition depot, without causing civilian casualties.

On Monday, Russia accused Ukrainian forces of shelling a village in Belgorod Oblast, in which two civilians were injured. Earlier this month, Russian authorities also denounced an attack on a fuel depot by helicopters from Ukraine, according to the governor of the region.

03:45: In the Donbass between sequels of the past and fear of the present

Drouzhkivka Palace of Culture, which has become a collection center for clothes and food.

In eastern Ukraine, the threat of World War III agitated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is very concrete in the minds of the people of Donbass. In Druzhkivka, a city in eastern Ukraine at the heart of the Russian stranglehold, the oldest sometimes mix up dates and memories of suffering. Just walk in one of the gardens where Igor takes us, to feel the past come to life.

The elders say that the German occupiers, during the Second World War, arrested people and killed them to then throw them into a mass grave that would be under our feet. When Ukraine became independent, after the fall of the Soviet Union, the community decided to build this memorial. Both for the victims of the Nazis and for those of the repression of the Soviet period and the famine organized under Stalin. In the technical college here, Jews were held captive by the Nazis for several days before they were also executed. This palace of culture there, was built by German prisoners after the war. The city had been almost completely razed.

Listen to it report from Druzhkivka of our special correspondents in Droujkivka, Oriane Verdier and Aabla Jounaïdi

03h30: Hello and welcome to this live

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