Service Clubs Are Vital To The Well-Being and Growth of Norfolk Communities. This is part 4 of Postmedia’s How Canada Wins Series.

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As he Regularly DOES AS THE CURRENT PRESIDENT OF THE SIMCOE Lions, Goold was out delivering a cheque on behalf of the club. This time the benficiary was waterford district high school, his alma mater.
“There was at the time when i stopped and thought, ‘waterford boy comes back,” he said. “This kind of feels good. ‘”
It’s that feel-good sensation, that helpper’s high, that has helped sustain the simcoe lions club for 94 years. Its Current Membership of Almost 100 Men and Women Make It One of the Large Lions Organizations in its District.
“It Started Small (in 1931),” Said Goold, Who Joined the Club 11 Years Ago. “People Just Get Drawn To It When They See The Good Work We Do.”
Evidence of Local Lions Clubs’ Benevoltance is seen all across Norfolk County. The Simcoe Lions Ballpark on Davis Street East was built by the club in 1993; tHere is the waterford and district Lions Community Center; and the port dover lions silver lake park.
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HUNDEDS OF THOUSAND OF DOLLARS Have Been RAISED BY VOLUNTEER SIMCOE Lions Members Over the Years to Support Renovations at Norfolk General Hospital, Talbot Gardens Arena, and start-up Costs for the Simcoe Recreation Center. The Club Funded the Golden Lions Drum and Bugle Corp for 11 years Starting in 1969; sponsored trips and hosted youth from around the world through its youth exchange program; has contributed more than $ 100,000 to local and international eyesight programs; and sponsored Every Type of Youth Sport, from Hockey to Darts.
“In the Last Month Alone, I presented cheques for $ 6,200 to the Humane Society, $ 3,000 to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, and $ 5,000 to the Child Nutrition Nutwork,” Said Goold.
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The Port Dover Lions Club was Chartered in Octuber 1938 With 18 Members. It has a current roster of 65. The club motto “we serve” Holds true as much today as it did at the start, Said Alan Strang, a Member of the Port Dover Group, and it continues to draw volunteers to the cause.
“Seeing the Historical Pictures of Facility We Take For Grantd Teday Were Projects The Lions have been involved with,” Said Strang. “We see the pictures and read the Names of Long-Gone Leaders who we Involved in the Construction of Community Halls, Arenas, Playgrounds or Camps for Kids With Health Issues. The Foresight of Those Men and Women then is More Than Enough Motivation To Keep the Drive Alive TODAY. HELPING OTHERS is what we do. ”
The Port Dover Lions Provided the Land Where The Form High School, Now Lakewood Elementary, Currently Sits. It spearheaded the Building The Port Dover Lions Community Center, Made a Land Donation for the Port Dover Arena Construction, and Funded New Tennis Courts and A Skate Park. The Club Owns and Mainters Lions Playpark, Misner Ballpark and is the Owner and Caretaker of the 28-Acre Silver Lake Park.
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But it’s the port dover canada day celebration that’s the club’s banner annual event, Drawing More Than 25,000 people to anofical Boat Parade in Lake Erie, A Dog Contest, The Callithumpian Parade, and A Concert and Fireworks Extravaganza at Silver Lake.
Just Two Months Before the Launch of the Port Dover Club, the Waterford Lions Received its Charter on Aug. 5, 1938. Members Meet the First and Third Tuesday of the Month at – Where Else – The Lions Community Center on Church Street.
Not to be outdone by its neighbouring clubs in Norfolk, the waterford lions’ signature event is annual celebration of autumn and all Things Halloween that draws an estimated 50,000 visitors to the Town.
This Year’s Waterford Pumpkinfest will be held Oct. 17 to 19 and include Three Days of Live Music, A Car Show, A Soap Box Derby, A Parade, Fireworks, and A House Decorating Contest that Showcases The Crafty and the Creepy.
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Funds Generated by Pumpkinfest Go to a Raft of Local Organizations, included Norfolk General Hospital, School Nutrition Programs, Lions Foundation Guide Dogs, Waterford Food Cupboard, Grand Erie School Bursaries, Lions Student Exchange, Campfire Circle (Trainly Camp Trillium Rainbow Lake) Scouts and guide programs, and Christmas sneakers.
Alex Vervaet, President of the Waterford Lions, Said It has been one of the Fast Growing Clubs in recent years.
“With our new Members A Strong Knowledge of Social Media, which has helped what we do in the community get out there,” Said Vervaet. “If you feel you would like to help the Community Become a Better Place to Live in, Think about Becoming A Lion. It’s a great place to meet local people, to socialize and to Mainly Help Others in Need.”
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When the Simcoe Lions Rolled Their Food Trailer Into Wellington Park During the Pandemic, Members Note the Deterioration of the Grounds.
“There was no place for people to gather,” Said Goold. “It just Didn’t Look Nice.”
SO, Club Members Decided to Take On Refurbishment of the Downtown Green Space As Its Next Major Project.
Simcoe Lion Barry Laplante Recently Spoke to Norfolk Councillors About the First Phase of the Plan-The Installation of A 40-Foot Wooden Gazebo in the Center of the Park. The lions have committed $ 100,000 to the Project and Laplante Said They’ve Received Offers from Local Suppliers and Contractors to Help Out. As Always, Lions Club Members Will Be Putting Sweat Equity Into the Construction, Doing What They Can to Lower the Cost.
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The Preliminary Overall Plan for the Park, to be in phases, included upgrades to the water and electrical system; The Creation of A Healing Garden/Quiet Area; A New Children’s Play Area; Defined Picnic Areas; Improvements to the Walkway System; Expansion and Improvement of the Parking Area; And possibly, an artisto artificial ce skating rink.
Lions Clubs Are Always Looking for New Members. Goold Said there is no time requirement for volunteering. Members Just Need to Be Willing To Do What They Can.
“It gives you a good sense of being part of your community and knowing what you do is learciated,” Said Strang. “As a NewComer, it’s a great way to get to know so may Wonderful people.”
Over five weekes we are chronicling our community’s place in the country, the promise of greater prosperity, and the blueprint to get there. See the How Canada Wins Series Intro here and other related local stories Here, here and Here.