After Barcelona in 2026, the Tour de France will leave from abroad in 2027. Several steps will also be organized there before the arrival of the peloton in France.
The Tour de France will expatriate again. For its 2027 edition, the Grande Boucle will leave from Edinburgh, Scotland. The first three stages of the iconic cycling competition will take place in Scotland, England and then in Wales. The runners will then only join France. If this is the first time that the Tour de France will have left Scotland, the large loop will have laid out for the third time from the United Kingdom. Indeed, the competition had been launched since London in 2007 and from Leeds, in Yorkshire, in 2014.
And the trip had proven to pay. More than three million people were there on the side of the roads last time. “Popular success had been absolutely phenomenal,” recalls Christian Prudhomme, director of the Tour with AFP, whose Bfmtv is notably echoing. Note that Scotland had already applied in the past. It had also been preferred to Yorkshire in 2014. “One of the major differences at the time was the distance from France. But since then, there has been a new UCI regulation which makes you, once every four years, has a joker to leave on Friday, which fundamentally changes the situation,” explains Christian Prudhomme, for whom departures abroad allow a better “influence” of the event. The Tour de France female will also launch in Great Britain. On the other hand, the place has not yet been revealed at this stage.