Woman was stopped by unknown motorist – was beaten in the face

A woman was beaten and threatened with the life of an unknown man in traffic.
The reason – he thought she was driving too fast.
– She thought it was an unpleasant experience, says Fredrik Bratt at the police.

During Wednesday afternoon, a woman in her 40s was killed and stopped by a male driver on the road between Anderslöv and Skurup in southern Skåne.

The man then got out of his car, went to the woman and was threatening to her, police say.

“The man must have threatened her to life and been angry that he thought she was driving in a way that did not suit him,” says Fredrik Bratt, press officer at the police.

Was beaten in the face

According to the woman’s statement, the man thought she had been driving too fast, something she herself thinks she did not.

In interrogation, the woman also says that the man hit her in the face.

– She has described that the man hit her with an open hand, says Fredrik Bratt.

The police receive tips

At 15.30 in the afternoon, the woman alerted the police, who took up a report of minor abuse and illegal threats. The woman should not have received any significant injuries, but states that she thought it was an “unpleasant experience”.

The man is unknown to the woman, and the police have not succeeded in determining his identity at the moment.

– Here it is about information about who this man is so that we can get him identified. If anyone feels knowing the incident or knows who he can be, the police gratefully receive it, says Fredrik Bratt.
