Termination and comeback from Denise Crosby

Termination and comeback from Denise Crosby

The series of spaceship Enterprise: The next century is now at least as legendary as its predecessor spaceship Enterprise. The occupation of the colorful crew around captain Jean Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) changed in the 7 seasons a few times. A dramatic example is the departure of Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) because of Conflicts with those responsible.

But Gates McFadden was not the only leading actress of the original line-up that went with the end of the first season: Denise Crosby, aka also Head of security Tasha Yar, left the series before its actual end of the contract.

Crosby was disappointed with the development of her role Tasha Yar

A woman as head of security, which Denise Crosby initially appeared like a real one Dream role. In an interview with Screen Rant, she reports about one “beautiful”Test scene between Counselor Deanna Troi and her character, which never made it into the show.

In the following episodes, Tasha Yar was increasingly in the background and was with small, insignificant tasks busy. Crosby felt degraded into the role of a pretty flagship blonde, as IN expressed against:

My intention was to bring someone into the room who tells me: ‘What is that supposed to be? What kind of figure is that? ‘ It is such an incredible opportunity. You have so much here, but I will not only be the typical hot blonde in the series. But They had a 1960s mentality. It was all old white guys in the room.

After all, it was Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry himself, who had crosby reluctant to go, even though her contract had not yet ended. Tasha Yar died Before the series final during an external mission.

“It changed”: After a change of author, Crosby returned twice

It may be the most beautiful thing about the science fiction genre: thanks Time travel and alternative timers the death of a character does not have to be the end. In the end it went on for Tasha Yar.

In episode 15 of season 3, she returned And played a version of her role that has never died. The result is with an IMDB rating of 9.2 Third-most episode the series. Crosby was finally able to play the role she had always wanted.

The new responsible The series created better challenges for Tasha Yar and thus again demonstrated the thesis of how much with Star Trek with the makers: inside is and falls. Denise Crosby even appeared again in two double episodes of seasons 4 and 5 (the struggle for the Klingon Empire and reunification?) Half-Romulan daughter of Tasha Yar and opponent of the crew.

Crosby himself repeatedly emphasizes that she does not regret her exit. It is still part of the Star Trek fandom and has immortalized her role in the canon forever-without revealing her principles.
