SMIC 2025: A new increase on April 1?

SMIC 2025 A new increase on April 1

Minimum wage. While many social benefits increase on April 1, will the minimum wage also follow the same dynamic?

It is an indicator regarded with great attention. If “little” of French people who work are paid at the level of the minimum interprofessional growth wage (minimum wage) -around 2 million people -, the revaluation of this minimum remuneration is still scrutinized closely. Last November, the former and ephemeral government led by Michel Barnier had an exceptional increase of 2% of the minimum wage. Usually this only happens at 1er January, but the ex-Prime Minister had decided to anticipate the increase. However, no additional increase had taken place at 1er January.

Among the dates expected for the most modest homes, there is the transition to the new year, synonymous with many revaluations, but also the 1er april. Indeed, it is that day that social benefits increased, such as the RSA, the basis for calculating the Acticity premium, the AAH, as well as other allowances paid by CAF. What about the minimum wage?

The minimum wage can only increase during the year in two cases: the first is when inflation is more than 2% since the last increase in the minimum wage, which is not the case; The second is when the government decides a boost.

Briefly, this last option was envisaged, during the budget negotiations. The Socialist Party had claimed an increase in the minimum wage, later at 1er July. The Minister of Economy, Eric Lombard, did not oppose it, but François Bayrou and Emmanuel Macron said no, as revealed Les Echos. There will therefore be no increase in the minimum wage or the 1er April, nor by the end of the year, unless exceptional economic circumstances.

In 2025, the minimum interprofessional growth wage (SMIC) was € 1802.26 gross per month, or € 1426.68 net. This corresponds to an annual remuneration of € 21,621.60 gross and € 17,115.69 net. Since the last revaluation on November 1, 2024, workers paid in the minimum wage received € 27.98 net more per month.

The amount of the monthly SMIC Net has been set at 1426.68 euros since November 1, 2024. As a reminder, here is the evolution of the amount of the Net monthly minimum wage in recent years:

SMIC Net minimum
YearNet monthly minimum wage amount
January 20161,143 euros
January 20171,149.07 euros
January 20181,174.93 euros
January 2019 1,204 euros
January 20201,219 euros
January 20211,231 euros
January 20221,269.45 euros
May 20221,302 euros
August 20221,329, 05 euros
January 20231,353.07 euros
May 20231,383 euros
January 20241,398.70 euros
November 20241426.30 euros

The gross monthly minimum wage reaches 1801.80 euros per month on the basis of 35 hours weekly. As an indication, here is the evolution of the amount of the minimum wage since 2010:

Smic evolution since 2010
YearHouse minimum minimum (gross)Monthly minimum wage amount (gross)
January 20108.86 euros1,343.77 euros
January 20119 euros1,365 euros
December 20119.19 euros1,393.82 euros
January 20129.22 euros1,398.37 euros
July 20129.40 euros1,425.67 euros
January 20139.43 euros1,430.22 euros
January 20149.53 euros1,445.38 euros
January 20159.61 euros1,457.52 euros
January 20169.67 euros1,466.62 euros
January 20179.76 euros1,480.27 euros
January 20189.88 euros1,498.47 euros
January 201910.03 euros1,521.22 euros
January 202010.15 euros1,539.42 euros
January 202110.25 euros1,554, 58 euros
January 202210.57 euros1,603 euros
May 202210.85 euros1,645 euros
August 202211.07 euros1,678.95 euros
January 202311.27 euros1,709.28 euros
May 202311.52 euros1,747 euros
January 202411.65 euros1,766.92 euros
November 202411.88 euros1,801.80 euros

The amount of the net hourly minimum wage is extremely variable. Keep in mind that its amount can vary from one pay sheet to another, due to the amount of social security contributions retained on the gross hourly minimum wage. Currently, the amount of the net hourly minimum wage is 9.40 euros.

The amount of the gross hourly minimum wage in force amounts to 11.88 euros. As a reminder, the amount of the gross hourly minimum wage, in recent years, has been set to:

House minimum minimum (gross)
YearHouse minimum minimum (gross)
January 20169.67 euros
January 20179.76 euros
January 20189.88 euros
January 201910.03 euros
January 202010.15 euros
January 202110.25 euros
January 202210.57 euros
May 202210.85 euros
August 202211.07 euros
January 202311.27 euros
May 202311.52 euros
January 202411.65 euros
November 202411.88 euros

The hourly rate of the minimum wage corresponds to the minimum legal salary that the employee must receive. However, abatements are applicable in certain cases (apprentices and employees under the age of 18). This is the amount paid for an hour of work. The monthly minimum wage is modeled on a basis of 35 hours per week.

The amount of the annual minimum wage is obtained by multiplying the amount of the monthly minimum wage (above) by the number of months of the year, that is to say 12. Please note, if you benefit from a 13th month paid your employer, it is not part of the calculation of the annual minimum wage. Referring to the amount of the minimum wage currently in force, the annual net minimum wage amounts to 17,115.69 euros. For its part, the gross annual minimum wage climbs to 21,621.60 euros.
