A study from 2024 dealt with the question whether streaming services are used regularly in the USA. The figures that came out make up deep into the current streaming landscape: many pay money completely every month.
Astonishingly many people have Netflix, but do not use it at all
As indie Wire stated in August 2024, a study by the Self Financial platform for the usage behavior of streaming service subscribers promoted these exciting numbers inside in the United States. Goal of the study It was precisely to filter out how much percent the subscriber: Inside the offer from Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime actively use.
According to Self Financial, 83 percent of the population subscribe to at least one streaming service in the USA. Of these general users: gave inside 85.7 percent on the fact that there is (at least) a streaming service that pays monthly, but not actively looked becomes. The vast majority of numbers for services that you do not use at all.
Netflix in particular seems a little too much into everyday life for US film and series lovers: have passed inside. So much that Around 28.8 percent The Netflix user: inside – Almost every one: r third – have completed a subscription, but do not look at the program offered. With Disney+, 27.6 percent probably do not switch on despite the subscription, with Amazon Prime it is 26.0 percent. More than a quarter of the money get the services from their customers: so inside.
Some may book Netflix to look at the latest Stranger Things relay and forget to turn it back for the rest of the year. At Amazon Prime, some certainly only have the account to order without shipping costs. There is also a subscriber at Disney+: inside that want to stream the latest cinema films like Vaiana 2, but complete the subscription for the year. Often the ambitions to stream are perhaps even there, but everyday life comes in between.
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But There is also dissatisfaction among the streamers. The streaming landscape has changed significantly in recent years and has a lot of costs, partly advertising interruptions and the restricted password parts (the shared benefit of accounts in different households) make the joy of the service more difficult. For round 72.1 percent The American user: Inside, these are the reasons to rethink their subscription decisions.
It will be exciting how streaming behavior will develop-and how this in turn falls back on Netflix, Amazon and Co.
Podcast: Is Amazon Prime worthwhile with all the advertising?
Our editor also: Inside Jenny Jecke and Max Wieseler have wondered whether the Amazon Prime Video subscription is still worth it for them. Hear the episode of our podcast stream gauds:
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They present the arguments pro and contra Amazon, explain the current price structure, look at the attractive content of the service and share their good and bad streaming experiences with Prime Video.