Botulinum toxin (botoxAlthough it is known that you use the process in the field of medical aesthetics, the application physiotherapy And it is widely used in the field of rehabilitation. Especially in the treatment of muscle diseases, the physical therapy and rehabilitation expert. Assoc. Dr. Dilek Eker Büyükşireci, gave important information.
“Botox injection is performed in migraine pain in neurology”
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Exp. Assoc. Dr. Dilek Eker Büyükşireci, “Cerebral palsy, paralyzed, stroke patients in the sipastiyte we can apply to eliminate involuntary muscle contractions. Entreprenered contractions are eliminated allows the emergence of voluntary movements. Neurology, in neurology migraine In the treatment, botox injection can be done in drug -resistant migraine pain, “he said.
“Botulinum toxin injection is very important in medical treatments”
Assoc. Dr. Dilek Eker Büyükşireci, “Botulinum toxin injection is known as botox among the people. The most use area seems to be medical aesthetic applications, but in fact physical medicine and neurology It has a very important place in medical treatments among physicians. Botulinum toxin is actually a bacterium toxin. It is obtained in the laboratory environment and when applied to the person’s nerve and muscle junction by injection method, it creates a stroke in the muscle. It is a stroke situation we want. It is temporarily losing muscle contraction activity. This period is usually up to 3-6 months. Unlike medical aesthetic applications, we, as physical therapy physicians, mostly apply to block the involuntary contractions of their children in the muscles of their children. Again, we are able to apply to eliminate involuntary muscle contractions that we call a stroke and stroke patients. When we eliminate muscle contractions, the patient’s gait function can improve. Arm functions can improve. Since involuntary contractions are eliminated, it allows the emergence of voluntary movements. In neurology, in the treatment of migraine, botox injection can be performed in drug -resistant migraine pain. Again, in people who sweat, botox processes can be applied under the armpits due to excessive sweating. Paralyzed or cerebral palsy, patients due to excessive saliva secretion in patients may be the case of saliva flow in the mouth. It can be applied to the salivary glands to block them. Spinal cord paralysis can be applied effectively in the treatment of sipastis in patients. MS disease is a disease with involuntary muscle contractions. Here, too, we can apply botulinum toxin injection to block muscle contractions in cases that prevent walking, in the case of positioning. “