CAMPAIGN to Provide Period Products for Indigenous Sisters in North

Sisters Karissa and Kat Strain Are Launching A Local Campaign Offering Fun Activities for Local Women as Way to Generate Donations of Period Products for Their Indigenous Sisters in the North.

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The Chatham Women Are Teaming Up With Moon Time Connections – -A National Indigenous-Led Period Equity Group Under the Umbrella of Truth North Aid, to help the cause.

Karissa Saw A Social Media Post from Moon Time Connections Looking for People to Join the effort, included Sending Products or Provide A Drop-off rental or Start Their Own Campaign.

“When I SAW that i was, ‘OK, we want to do all of it,’ ‘She Said of Launching the Sisters 4 Sisters Campaign to Collection Period Products.

Karissa Said there is a need for period products in All Communities, Adding Chatham Already DOES A GREAT JOB with a local CAMPAIG. She added northern Communities Face Challenges included access to resources and finances, as well as transportation challenges.

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“Everything is so far away that weather can dictate that you can travel to locations to get access to the product,” Karissa Said.

“One of the Biggest Barriers for Girls Pursuing Education or Sport and Social Opportunities Or for Women Being Able to Work and Support Their Families is not Having Access to Period Products,” Kat Said.

“I think it’s really important for communities to come together to support the woman who don it has access to those resurces, and help them be able to go on live their life fully without having to be restricted based on not having the supplies that need,” Karissa Added.

In addition to having rentals where donations can be dropped off, oven events have been planned to help donations of period products or money.

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The Sisters have Parted With the Studio Sisters, Rad Studio and Café, Kayo Boxing and Revolve Spin Company for the Local Campaign to Host Events to Provide Fun Experiences for People Supporting The Cause.

Events Planned for His Month in Chatham Include:

  • A Fun Lady Love Playlist Taught by the Sisters Strain on Saturday at Noon at Revolve Spin Company, 144 King St.w.
  • A Coffee and Networking Opportunity While Perusing Crafty Talents of Local Women On Sunday from 1 pm to 3 pm at rad studio + café, 268 King St. W.
  • An Eventing of Poetry Along With Open Micus Opportunity, Including A Wine and Sparking Water Networking Cocktail Hour on March 27 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the studio sisters, 138 King St. W.
  • Learn the Sport of Boxing on March 28 from 1 pm to 3 pm at Kayo Boxing Club, 340 Richmond St.

Participation is by Monetary or Product Donation, Karissa Said.

More details about the Campaign Including Drop-off-off rental as well as to register for the event are available online atline at

